
 アメリカ合衆国のアーティスト ジェニファー・ルーベルJennifer Rubell)が、英国王室のウィリアム王子殿下の等身大蝋人形を制作、ロンドンで展示中とのこと。


Associated Press:
First Person: Prince William in Wax – YouTube


 あなたもウィリアム王子と婚約会見?! 米アーティストの等身大人形 写真7枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News

動画(Associated Press):Royal Wedding Details: Archbishop in Key Role(2011年1月)

※この記事はキリスト教 高位聖職者のニュースと重複します。


 Associated Pressの動画です。
 英国王室のウェールズ公家ウィリアム王子殿下(His Royal Highness Prince William of Wales)の結婚と、キリスト教/カンタベリー大主教ローワン・ウィリアムズ座下(Rowan Williams : His Grace The Lord Archbishop of Canterbury)のことについてなど。


Associated Press:
Royal Wedding Details: Archbishop in Key Role – YouTube



 ギリシャ・デンマーク王子ミハイル殿下(His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Greece and Denmark)が出した小説「ル・ラジャ・ブルボン(Le Rajah Bourbon )」を真に受ける人が多く、正直アホらしいのですが、状況を説明しておきます。




 2007年3月3日、デンマーク王子ヨアキム殿下の元妻アレクサンドラ妃殿下(フレデリクスボー女伯爵 : Her Highness Princess Alexandra of Denmark, Countess of Frederiksborg)が再婚した模様。

 アレクサンドラ妃殿下はこの再婚により、離婚後も特例として許されていた王子妃(プリンセス)の称号と殿下の敬称を失い、以後、フレデリクスボー女伯爵アレクサンドラ閣下(Her Excellency Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg)と称されることになります。
 フレデリクスボー女伯爵の宮廷序列はデンマーク王室を離脱した王子とその男系子孫の称号ローセンボー伯爵(伯爵子/伯爵女)と同じく「1st Class-No.1」という非常に高いものになる模様。


 読売新聞 – デンマーク・アレクサンドラ妃、2王子連れ再婚


Line of succession to the former Greek throne

As of August 2020.

See also:
Line of succession to the former Monarchical throne and others : From (deleted) Wikipedia’s articles.

The Greek monarchy was abolished by the then-ruling military regime on 1 June 1973, an act that was repeated by plebiscite on 8 December 1974 after the regime’s fall. The title of king is used by the last reigning monarch, Constantine II (r. 1964–1973). His son, the Crown Prince Pavlos, who was born in 1967, is the heir apparent to the title.

Law of succession

According to Article 45 of the Greek Constitution of 1864 [1] and the Greek Constitution of 1911,[2] the crown descended according to primogeniture among the descendants of George I, males before females. In 1952, the succession clause was clarified to stipulate that the crown is inherited with preference to the descendants of the current king in order of primogeniture, the males taking preference,[3] i.e., the sovereign’s sons (and their descendants, in respective order) inherit according to seniority of age among siblings with males before females, followed by the sovereign’s daughters (and their descendants, in respective order) in like manner.

Current situation

  • King Paul (1901–1964)
    • King Constantine II (born 1940)
      • (1) Crown Prince Pavlos (b. 1967)
        • (2) Prince Constantine-Alexios (b. 1998)
        • (3) Prince Achileas-Andreas (b. 2000)
        • (4) Prince Odysseus-Kimon (b. 2004)
        • (5) Prince Aristidis-Stavros (b. 2008)
        • (6) Princess Maria-Olympia (b. 1996)
      • (7) Prince Nikolaos (b. 1969)
      • (8) Prince Philippos (b. 1986)
      • (9) Princess Alexia (b. 1965)
        • (10) Carlos Morales y de Grecia (b. 2003)
        • (11) Arrietta Morales y de Grecia (b. 2002)
        • (12) Ana-Maria Morales y de Grecia (b. 2005)
        • (13) Amelia Morales y de Grecia (b. 2007)
      • (14) Princess Theodora (b. 1983)
    • (15) Princess Irene (b. 1942)



Line of Succession in June 1973

  • King Paul (1901–1964)
    • King Constantine II (born 1940)
      • (1) Crown Prince Pavlos (b. 1967)
      • (2) Prince Nikolaos (b. 1969)
      • (3) Princess Alexia (b. 1965)
    • (4) Princess Irene (b. 1942)