
 12月5日に崩御した旧ルーマニア王ミハイ1世陛下(His Majesty King Michael IMihai I】 of Romania)の葬儀が始まったようです。
 長女のルーマニア王位守護者マルガレータ陛下(Her Majesty Margareta, the Custodian of the Crown of Romania : ルーマニア皇太子マルガレータ殿下 : Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Margareta of Romania)らルーマニア王室関係者および外国の王室メンバーが臨席。
 ルーマニア大統領クラウス・ヴェルナー・ヨハニス閣下(His Excellency Mr Klaus Werner Iohannis)ら政治家らが参列。




 (スペイン語:スペイン王室公式サイト)Casa de Su Majestad el Rey de España – Actividades y Agenda – Funeral de Su Majestad el Rey Miguel I de Rumanía
 (フランス語:ルクセンブルク大公室公式サイト)Funérailles de Sa Majesté le Roi Michael Ier de Roumanie – Cour Grand-Ducale de Luxembourg – Décembre 2017

 (英語:アルバニア王室公式サイト)Albanian Royal Family – Funeral of HM King Micheal
 (ブルガリア語:ブルガリア王室公式サイト:旧ブルガリア王シメオン2世陛下は世界観光機関の特別大使としてスイス/ジュネーブへの訪問が決まっていたため、葬儀は欠席のようです)Цар Симеон II присъства на поклонението пред тленните останки на Крал Михай I в Букурещ « Н.В. Цар Симеон II
 (英語:旧ユーゴスラビア王室【セルビア王室】公式サイト)THE ROYAL COUPLE AT THE FUNERAL OF KING MICHAEL OF ROMANIA | The Royal Family of Serbia




 (英語)Prince Charles pays his respects to Romania's late king | Daily Mail Online
 (英語)Prince Charles joins royals for funeral of Romania’s king Michael | Royal | News | Express.co.uk
 (英語)Romanian former monarch King Michael given state funeral in Bucharest | News | DW | 16.12.2017
 (英語)Funeral Held for King Michael of Romania | Time
 (フランス語)Roumanie : les monarchies européennes aux obsèques de l'ex-roi Michel – L'Express


 (ルーマニア語:ルーマニア・テレビ)TVR+ live

Funeraliile Regelui Mihai I – ediţie specială TVR1 – YouTube

Funeraliile Regelui Mihai I – Curtea de Argeș (@TVR1) – YouTube


 (ルーマニア語:ルーマニア正教会通信)Ceremonialul funeraliilor Regelui Mihai I al României (LIVE) – Basilica.ro
 (ルーマニア語:ルーマニア正教会通信)LIVE | Părintele Patriarh Daniel oficiază slujba de înmormântare a Regelui Mihai I al României – Basilica.ro
 (ルーマニア語:ルーマニア正教会通信)Regele Mihai – un simbol al suferinței şi speranței poporului român – Basilica.ro
 (ルーマニア語:ルーマニア正教会通信)Curtea de Argeș | Înmormântarea Regelui Mihai în noua Necropolă Regală de la Catedrala Arhiepiscopală din Curtea de Argeş (VIDEO) – Basilica.ro
 (ルーマニア語:ルーマニア正教会通信:写真)Slujba de înmormântare a Regelui Mihai I al României – Basilica.ro
 (英語:ルーマニア正教会通信)King Michael – a symbol of the suffering and hope of the Romanian people – Basilica.ro
 (英語:ルーマニア正教会通信)VIDEO: Patriarch Daniel officiates King Michael’s funeral – Basilica.ro
 (英語:ルーマニア正教会通信)Romanians pay their respects during King Michael’s funeral (VIDEO) – Basilica.ro
 (英語:ルーマニア正教会通信:写真)King Michael I's funeral service – Basilica.ro



長女のルーマニア王位守護者マルガレータ陛下(Her Majesty Margareta, the Custodian of the Crown of Romania)と夫のルーマニア王子ラドゥ殿下(His Royal Highness Prince Radu of Romania):




一列目 向かって左から
 スウェーデン王カール16世グスタフ陛下(Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden : His Majesty The King)、
 スウェーデン王妃シルヴィア陛下(シルビア王妃 : Queen Silvia of Sweden : Her Majesty The Queen)、
 前スペイン王ファン・カルロス1世陛下(His Majesty King Juan Carlos I of Spain)、
二列目 向かって左から
 ルクセンブルク大公アンリ殿下(Henri : His Royal Highness The Grand Duke of Luxembourg)、
 ウェールズ公チャールズ皇太子殿下(Prince Charles : His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales)、
三列目 向かって左から
 ベルギー王女アストリッド殿下(オーストリア=エステ大公妃 : オーストリア皇子妃 : ハンガリー王子妃 : ベーメン王子妃 : モデナ公妃 : Her Imperial and Royal Highness Princess Astrid of Belgium, Archduchess of Austria-Este, Princess Imperial of Austria, Princess Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Duchess of Modena)、
 オーストリア=エステ大公/ベルギー王子ローレンツ殿下(ロレンツ大公 : オーストリア皇子 : ハンガリー王子 : ベーメン王子 : モデナ公 : His Imperial and Royal Highness Prince Lorenz of Belgium, Archduke of Austria-Este, Prince Imperial of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Duke of Modena)、
 (旧)ユーゴスラビア王室(カラジョルジェヴィッチ家)当主で現在セルビア王室を称するユーゴスラヴィア皇太子アレクサンダル2世殿下(His Royal Highness Crown Prince Alexander II of Yugoslavia / Serbia)、


(旧)アルバニア王室(ゾグー家)当主のアルバニア皇太子レカ2世殿下(His Royal Highness Crown Prince Leka II of the Albanians)と(旧)ポルトガル王室(ブラガンサ家)当主のブラガンサ公爵ドゥアルテ・ピオ殿下(His Royal Highness Duarte Pio, Duke of Braganza):


 オーストリア=エステ大公/ベルギー王子ローレンツ殿下(ロレンツ大公 : オーストリア皇子 : ハンガリー王子 : ベーメン王子 : モデナ公 : His Imperial and Royal Highness Prince Lorenz of Belgium, Archduke of Austria-Este, Prince Imperial of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Duke of Modena)、
 ルクセンブルク大公アンリ殿下(Henri : His Royal Highness The Grand Duke of Luxembourg)、
 (旧)ユーゴスラビア王室(カラジョルジェヴィッチ家)当主で現在セルビア王室を称するユーゴスラヴィア皇太子アレクサンダル2世殿下(His Royal Highness Crown Prince Alexander II of Yugoslavia / Serbia)、
 ウェールズ公チャールズ皇太子殿下(Prince Charles : His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales)、


ハプスブルク=ロートリンゲン家当主/オーストリア大公カール殿下(His Imperial and Royal Highness Archduke Karl of Austria, Prince Imperial of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia):


 ベルギー王女アストリッド殿下(オーストリア=エステ大公妃 : オーストリア皇子妃 : ハンガリー王子妃 : ベーメン王子妃 : モデナ公妃 : Her Imperial and Royal Highness Princess Astrid of Belgium, Archduchess of Austria-Este, Princess Imperial of Austria, Princess Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Duchess of Modena)、
 オーストリア=エステ大公/ベルギー王子ローレンツ殿下(ロレンツ大公 : オーストリア皇子 : ハンガリー王子 : ベーメン王子 : モデナ公 : His Imperial and Royal Highness Prince Lorenz of Belgium, Archduke of Austria-Este, Prince Imperial of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Duke of Modena)、
 後方はハプスブルク=ロートリンゲン家当主/オーストリア大公カール殿下(His Imperial and Royal Highness Archduke Karl of Austria, Prince Imperial of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia):


(旧)イタリア王室(サヴォイア家)のヴェネツィア公/ピエモンテ公/サヴォイア公子エマヌエーレ・フィリベルト殿下(His Royal Highness Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, Prince of Venice and Piedmont):


故ルーマニア王女イレアナの娘でルーマニア王室関連の行事に参列の多いオーストリア大公女マリア・マグダレーナ殿下(“マギー”【Magi】 : オーストリア皇女 : ハンガリー王女 : ベーメン王女 : トスカナ大公女 : Her Imperial and Royal Highness Archduke Maria Magdalena of Austria, Princess Imperial of Austria, Princess Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Princess of Tuscany):








キリスト教/東方正教会/ルーマニア正教会の首座/ルーマニア正教会総主教、ブカレスト大主教、ムンテニア・ドブロジャ府主教ダニエル聖下(His Beatitude Daniel, Archbishop of Bucharest, Metropolitan of Muntenia and Dobrudgea and Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church):


ルーマニア大統領クラウス・ヴェルナー・ヨハニス閣下(His Excellency Mr Klaus Werner Iohannis)たち:



Președintele Klaus Iohannis a sosit la Palatul Regal – YouTube


Ziua grea a desparțirii – YouTube


Familia Regală, în lacrimi la catafalc – YouTube


România in doliu, ziua despărtirii – YouTube


Funeraliile Regelui Mihai I al României – YouTube


Regele românilor a plecat la Împăratul cerurilor – YouTube


Cuvântul Preafericitului Părinte Patriarh Daniel la funeraliile Regelui Mihai I al României – YouTube


Regele Mihai I a fost înmormântat la Curtea de Argeș – YouTube


Regele, condus pe ultimul drum ca un mareșal – YouTube


Însoțit de români pe ultimul drum – YouTube


Un Rege respectat în toată lumea – YouTube


Ultima călătorie cu Trenul Regal – YouTube


Sute de oameni au așteptat trenul regal la Pitești – YouTube


Un drum în lacrimi și doliu – YouTube


Înmormântarea Regelui Mihai I al României la Curtea de Argeș – YouTube


Membrii Familiei Regale au părăsit necropola de la Curtea de Argeș – YouTube


Cuvântul Preafericitului Părinte Patriarh Daniel la funeraliile Regelui Mihai I al României – YouTube


以下、gettyimages より埋め込んだ画像(Romania King's Funeralの写真およびイメージ | ゲッティイメージズ):

Embed from Getty Images

Embed from Getty Images

Embed from Getty Images

Embed from Getty Images
Embed from Getty Images

Embed from Getty Images


Casa de S.M. el Reyさんのツイート: "Los Reyes Don Juan Carlos y Doña Sofía asisten en Bucarest a las exequias por el Rey Miguel I de Rumanía. https://t.co/AZKBOTKM3M https://t.co/dPvyMyzunp"


Casa de S.M. el Reyさんのツイート: "Funeral de Su Majestad el Rey Miguel I de Rumanía https://t.co/AZKBOTKM3M https://t.co/tafe0QYJDz"



Președintele României
Klaus Iohannis
Cu profund regret, am condus astăzi pe ultimul drum un veritabil om de stat, Regele Mihai I, care, cu demnitate și curaj, și-a reprezentat țara în unele dintre cele mai grele vremuri ale istoriei noastre. Am fost impresionat de mulțimea de oameni care s-a alăturat cortegiului funerar, o autentică expresie a iubirii și respectului românilor față de Regele Mihai I. Sunt convins că va rămâne în memoria națională drept un reper de integritate, un simbol al solidarității și al aspirației către libertate.



 アラウカニア・パタゴニア公スタニスラス・パルビュレスコ殿下(キディコ子爵 : His Royal Highness Stanislas Parvulesco, Prince of Araucania and Patagonia, Viscount of Quidico)が参列と称した模様。

 (フランス語:アラウカニア・パタゴニア王国【スタニスラス1世派】公式ブログ)La Maison Royale d'Araucanie présente aux obsèques du Roi Michel de Roumanie – Royaume d'Araucanie et de Patagonie.
 同殿下が、父であるヴィラリカ公爵・キディコ伯爵コンスタンティン・パルビュレスコ閣下(His Excellency Constantine Parvulesco, Duke of Villarica and Count of Quidico)のぶんもあわせてルーマニア王室へ弔意を表明したとのことです(表明しただけかもしれません)。




 (ルーマニア語:ルーマニア正教会通信)Case regale care au confirmat prezenţa la funeraliile Regelui Mihai – Basilica.ro
 (ルーマニア語:ルーマニア王室公式ニュース配信サイト)Familiile Regale participante la funeraliile Regelui Mihai I | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania




 ウェールズ公チャールズ皇太子殿下(Prince Charles : His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales)、

 スウェーデン王カール16世グスタフ陛下(Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden : His Majesty The King)、
 スウェーデン王妃シルヴィア陛下(シルビア王妃 : Queen Silvia of Sweden : Her Majesty The Queen)、

 前スペイン王ファン・カルロス1世陛下(His Majesty King Juan Carlos I of Spain)、
 前スペイン王妃ソフィア陛下(Her Majesty Queen Sofía of Spain)、

 “シャイフ【シェイク】”・ラーシド・ビン・ハリーファ・アル・ハリーファ閣下(His Excellency Shaikh Rashid bin Khalifa al Khalifa)、

 ベルギー王女アストリッド殿下(オーストリア=エステ大公妃 : オーストリア皇子妃 : ハンガリー王子妃 : ベーメン王子妃 : モデナ公妃 : Her Imperial and Royal Highness Princess Astrid of Belgium, Archduchess of Austria-Este, Princess Imperial of Austria, Princess Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Duchess of Modena)、
 オーストリア=エステ大公/ベルギー王子ローレンツ殿下(ロレンツ大公 : オーストリア皇子 : ハンガリー王子 : ベーメン王子 : モデナ公 : His Imperial and Royal Highness Prince Lorenz of Belgium, Archduke of Austria-Este, Prince Imperial of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Duke of Modena)、

 前国王夫人ムナー・アル=フセイン妃殿下(Her Royal Highness Princess Muna al-Hussein)、
 アリー王子夫人リム・アル=アリー妃殿下(Her Royal Highness Princess Rym al-Ali)、

 (?)イザベレ殿下(Her Serene Highness Princess Isabelle of Liechtenstein)、

 ルクセンブルク大公アンリ殿下(Henri : His Royal Highness The Grand Duke of Luxembourg)、


 アルバニア皇太子レカ2世殿下(His Royal Highness Crown Prince Leka II of the Albanians)、
 アルバニア皇太子妃エリア殿下(His Royal Highness Crown Princess Elia of the Albanians)、

 ヴェネツィア公/ピエモンテ公/サヴォイア公子エマヌエーレ・フィリベルト殿下(His Royal Highness Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, Prince of Venice and Piedmont)、

 ヴュルテンベルク公子エーバーハルト殿下(His Royal Highness Duke Eberhard of Württemberg)

 ハプスブルク=ロートリンゲン家当主/オーストリア大公カール殿下(His Imperial and Royal Highness Archduke Karl of Austria, Prince Imperial of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia)、
 オーストリア大公ゲオルク殿下(His Imperial and Royal Highness Archduke Georg of Austria, Prince Imperial of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia)、
 オーストリア=エステ大公マルティン殿下(オーストリア皇子 : ハンガリー王子 : ベーメン王子 : モデナ公子 : His Imperial and Royal Highness Archduke Martin of Austria-Este, Prince Imperial of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Duke of Modena)、
 オーストリア=エステ大公妃カタリナ殿下(イーゼンブルク公女 : オーストリア皇子妃 : ハンガリー王子妃 : ベーメン王子妃 : モデナ公子妃 : Her Imperial and Royal Highness Archduchess Katharina of Austria-Este, Princess Imperial of Austria, Princess Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Duchess of Modena, Princess of Isenburg)、
 故ルーマニア王女イレアナの娘でルーマニア王室関連の行事に参列の多いオーストリア大公女マリア・マグダレーナ殿下(“マギー”【Magi】 : オーストリア皇女 : ハンガリー王女 : ベーメン王女 : トスカナ大公女 : Her Imperial and Royal Highness Archduke Maria Magdalena of Austria, Princess Imperial of Austria, Princess Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Princess of Tuscany)、
 オーストリア大公ドミニク殿下(His Imperial and Royal Highness Archduke DominicNiki” of Austria, Prince Imperial of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Prince of Tuscany)、
 オーストリア大公妃エマヌエッラ殿下(Her Imperial and Royal Highness Archduchess EmmanuellaNella” of Austria, Princess Imperial of Austria, Princess Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Princess of Tuscany)、

 旧ギリシャ王妃アンナ=マリア陛下(Her Majesty Queen Anne-Marie of Greece : デンマーク王室出身)、
 ギリシャ・デンマーク王女イリニ殿下(Her Royal Highness Princess Irene of Greece and Denmark)、
 ギリシャ・デンマーク王子ニコラオス殿下(His Royal Highness Prince Nikolaos of Greece)、

 プロイセン公ゲオルク・フリードリヒ殿下(His Imperial and Royal Highness Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia)、

 バーデン辺境伯マクシミリアン殿下(His Royal Highness Maximilian, Margrave of Baden)、
 バーデン辺境伯妃ヴァレリー殿下(トスカナ系ハプスブルク家出身 : Her Imperial and Royal Highness Archduchess Valerie, Margravine of Baden)、

 ヴァンドーム公爵/フランス王子ジャン殿下(オルレアン公子 : His Royal Highness Prince Jean of France, Prince of Orléans, Duke of Vendôme)、
 フランス王女シャンタル殿下(オルレアン公女 : Her Royal Highness Princess Chantal of France, Princess of Orléans)、

 旧ブルガリア王シメオン2世陛下(His Majesty King Simeon II of the Bulgarians : 元ブルガリア共和国首相シメオン・サクスコブルクゴツキ : Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha)、

 ブラガンサ公爵ドゥアルテ・ピオ殿下(His Royal Highness Duarte Pio, Duke of Braganza)、

 ユーゴスラヴィア皇太子アレクサンダル2世殿下(His Royal Highness Crown Prince Alexander II of Yugoslavia / Serbia)、
 ユーゴスラヴィア皇太子妃カタリナ殿下(英語ではキャサリン皇太子妃 : Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Katherine of Yugoslavia / Serbia)、

 ロシア女大公マリヤ・ウラジーミロヴナ殿下(Her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess Maria Wladimirovna of Russia)


 リーニュ公女アン閣下(Her Highness Princess Anne of Ligne)、

 タティアナ・ラジヴィウ公女(Princess Tatiana Radziwiłł)、








 2017年4月29日、オルレアン派フランス王室のエヴルー伯爵/フランス王子/オルレアン公子ミシェル殿下(His Royal Highness Prince Michel of Orléans, Count of Évreux, fils de France)が、バルバラ・エードレ・フォン・ポッシュ=パストルBarbara Edle von Posch-Pastor)と再婚されたようです(民事婚)。


 (サイト移転により記事の掲載が終了しています)(フランス語)Le 29 avril dernier a été célébré le mariage civil du prince Michel de France – Le blog de La Couronne



 dailymotionに投稿されている、(旧)フランス王室オルレアン派当主/パリ伯アンリ殿下(フランス公爵 : Henri : Monseigneur The Count of Paris, Duke of France : オルレアン派フランス王位継承者アンリ7世Henry VII)の妹の、オルレアン公女クロード殿下(Her Royal Highness Princess Claude of Orléans : フランス王女 : Princess of France : フランス語/Son Altesse Royale la Princesse Claude d’Orléans, Princesse de France)オルレアン公女シャンタル殿下(Her Royal Highness Princess Chantal of Orléans : フランス王女 : Princess of France : フランス語/Son Altesse Royale la Princesse Chantal d’Orléans, Princesse de France)のインタビュー映像を貼り付けておきます。


Peinture, une histoire de Princesses (Alsace) – 動画 Dailymotion





Line of succession to the former French throne (Orléanist)

As of August 2020.
It is also Line of succession to the former French throne (Unionist) or Line of succession to the French throne (Legitimist-Orléanist).

See also:
Line of succession to the former Monarchical throne and others : From (deleted) Wikipedia’s articles.

The Orléanist claimant to the throne of France is Prince Jean, Duke of Vendôme. He is the uncontested heir to the Orléanist position of “King of the French” held by Louis-Philippe, and is also King Charles X’s heir as “King of France” if the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht (by which Philip V of Spain renounced for himself and his agnatic descendants any claim to the French throne) was valid. According to the Family Compact of 1909, only the descendants of the then pretender’s father are considered to be dynasts of the House of France. The founders of the cadet branches of Orleans-Braganza and Orléans-Galliera, by becoming foreigners, are considered under house law to have renounced their rights to the throne.[1] If the current line were to become extinct, the Orleans-Braganza have, however, reserved their right to renew their claims.[1]

Rules explaining the order of succession

Succession under the Ancien Regime

Prior to the Treaty of Utrecht, rules of succession to the crown of France were deemed to have evolved historically and additively, rather than to have been legislated or amended, constituting part of the fundamental laws of the nation.[2][3]

  1. Inalienability (or indisposability) of the crown: no one has the power to change the dynastic order.
  2. Continuity of the crown: a new ruler succeeds as soon as his predecessor dies; the throne is never vacant
  3. Heredity: The crown is hereditary in the House of Capet
  4. Primogeniture: The elder son is preferred over the younger; the senior descendant represents his deceased ancestor in the line of succession.
  5. Masculinity: The heir must be male.
  6. Male collaterality: In the absence of male descendants in the King’s male line, the closest male collateral relative of the King is the heir.
  7. Catholicism: the King must be Catholic.
  8. Nationality: the heir must be French.[4][5][6]

The succession devolves only upon legally legitimate descendants, born in Catholic marriages. Further, children issuing from marriages expressly forbidden by the king are considered illegitimate.

Treaty of Utrecht and the “defect pérégrinité”

Main article: Treaty of Utrecht

The Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 caused a breach in the traditional rules of succession to the throne of France. It had been opposed by some members of the Parlement of Paris because, in order to prohibit (on threat of resuming Continental war) the union by inheritance of the kingdoms of France and Spain, it required the exclusion of the Spanish Bourbons from the French throne, which potentially conflicted with the principles of indisposability of the crown and male primogeniture. Nonetheless, termination of the eligibility of Philip V of Spain and his heirs male to inherit the French crown, on the one hand, and international recognition of his retention of the crown of Spain on the other, were agreed to by negotiators for France, Spain and the other European powers who crafted and then obtained ratification of the treaty.

Philip officially signed the renunciation of any future claim for himself and his descendants to the crown of France, and the treaty incorporates the effects of his renunciation. That renunciation was formally ratified by King Louis XIV and registered, pursuant to French law, by the Parlement of Paris. Letters patent issued by Louis XIV in 1700 authorising his grandson Philip to leave France to reign as king over Spain while retaining his French nationality and dynastic rights, were officially revoked.[7][8] These modifications were never officially repudiated by the organs of government of France.

For monarchists who considered the Treaty of Utrecht valid, the departure of Philip to Spain in order to assume that kingdom’s crown, and the retention by his heirs of that throne over the next 300 years, intruded the vice de pérégrinité (“flaw of foreignness”) in his dynastic claim to France, excluding himself and his descendants forever from the succession. Finally, Philip’s renunciation meant, they believed, that with the death in 1883 of Henri, Count of Chambord, the House of Orléans had become heirs to the Capetian dynasty’s claim to the crown of France.

Family Compact of 1909

Recognizing the principle of pérégrinité and therefore the impossibility for foreign princes to claim the crown of France,[4][5] the Orléans claimants and their supporters consider excluded from the succession to the throne the foreign descendants of King Louis-Philippe: the Brazilian House of Orléans-Braganza (descendants of the Comte d’Eu) and the Spanish Orléans-Galliera (descendants of Antoine, Duke of Montpensier).[9][10]

The 1909 “Family Compact” (Pacte de Famille) was negotiated between the head of the French branch Philippe, Duke of Orléans and the head of the Brazilian branch Gaston, Comte d’Eu, subsequently signed by the adult males of both branches of the Orléans family, save one (Prince Robert, Duke of Chartres, then the oldest member of the family, who died the following year). It confirms the exclusion of members of the Brazilian branch from the French succession on grounds of pérégrinité.[10] Further, it “takes note” of a written promise given by the Comte d’Eu and his son to refrain from asserting any claim to the French throne and to the position of Head of the House of France until the total extinction of all the other dynastic branches of the House of France (the Montpensiers were already deemed excluded).[10]

Alfred de Gramont alleged in his diary, “L’ami du Prince: Journal of a Novel”, published by Eric Mension Rigau-Fayard in 2011 that this decision was made by the Orléans for two reasons: first, the desire of other dynasts to exclude the Comte d’Eu and the princes of Orléans-Braganza (who were the heirs presumptive to the Empire of Brazil, and after abolition of the monarchy in 1889, pretenders thereto), and second, the influence of French nationalism. However, exclusion from the French succession as a consequence of permanent emigration to Brazil had been acknowledged and accepted in writing by the Comte d’Eu prior to his marriage to the Princess Imperial of Brazil.

Throne of Albania

The Orléans were consistent in applying the nationality requirement, as exemplified by an example involving the prospect of acquisition of yet another throne by a member of the family. Albania was emerging as an independent nation in 1913, and sought an appropriate European prince to whom they might offer their new throne. Apparently an approach was made to the younger brother of the Duke of Orléans, Prince Ferdinand, Duke of Montpensier, who responded “There is no crown in the world that could attract me if, to obtain it, I must put into question two titles of which I am rightly proud, that of French citizen and that of French prince. I am resolved to decline any candidacy to the throne of Albania”[11] Eventually, Albania chose Prince William of Wied to wear its crown. He reigned from March to September 1914.

Rulings of 2nd Count of Paris

Henri, Count of Paris (1908–1999) had amended the order of succession several times within the House of Orléans. Considering the marriages of his sons Michel and Thibaut without his prior approval as misalliances, the Count of Paris excluded them and their descendants from the royal succession in 1967 and 1973.

Later, in 1984, the Count of Paris also excluded his eldest son, Prince Henri (then known as “Count of Clermont”) from the succession because of his divorce from Duchess Marie Thérèse of Württemberg and civil remarriage with Micaela Cousiño y Quiñones de León, a divorcée. As Head of the House of Orléans, his father considered that by divorcing and remarrying without obtaining prior approval, his eldest son had excluded himself from the order of succession.

Finally, in 1987, the Count of Paris proclaimed his grandson, Prince Jean, as Duke of Vendôme and heir apparent to the claim to the throne in the places of his father (who was demoted to “Count of Mortain”) and of his elder brother, Prince François, who suffered from a mental handicap.

No historical statutory law or precedent was cited as grounds for these changes in the line of succession. Regarding Henri’s second marriage, however, the royal right to exclude (as illegitimate) descendants born of marriages of French dynasts contracted in defiance of the King’s will had been asserted by Louis XIII, both to the Parlement of Paris and to the Church of France, and was officially accepted by both.[12][13] The fundamental laws of the ancien regime had not, however, provided for the exclusion from the succession to the crown of dynasts who married without kingly authorization and their descendants, nor of the mentally ill.

Since 1990 relations between the Count of Paris and his eldest son normalized, and Prince Henri was recognized as reinstated in the line of succession to the crown and restored to his dynastic title, “Count of Clermont”. Clermont’s first wife was accorded the title “Duchess of Montpensier” and retention of her place in the dynasty, while Clermont’s second wife was granted the title “Princess de Joinville” with the style of Royal Highness.

Rulings of third Count of Paris

Becoming the Head of the House of Orléans on his father’s death in 1999, the new Count of Paris and “Duke of France” cancelled the dynastic exclusions imposed by his father. Acknowledging that no one has the power to change the order in succession of a prince of the blood royal of France, he recognised his brother, Prince Michel, Count of Evreux and his male-line descendants, and Robert, Count of La Marche, son of his deceased brother Prince Thibaut, Count of La Marche, as possessing succession rights to the French crown, should it ever be restored.

Nevertheless, the new Count of Paris placed the branch of Prince Michel after that of Prince Jacques in the order of succession. It has been argued, however, that since Michel had “seen the day” after his twin brother Jacques, and French primogeniture historically considered the last child to emerge from the womb as senior in the order of birth to other siblings born following a single confinement, this ruling may have been compliant with the tradition of the ancien régime.[citation needed]

Despite the fact that some Orléanists considered that the severe disabilities of Prince François should exclude him from the line of succession,[14] and his younger brother Vendôme was appointed his permanent legal guardian,[15] their father recognized his eldest son as the “Dauphin”. François, however, died without issue in 2017, thereby rendering moot the “council of regency” the Count of Paris had created to exercise future dynastic authority in his son’s behalf and resolving the public dispute that decision had evoked within the family: In January 2018 the Count of Paris recognized the Duke of Vendôme as his rightful successor.[15]

Order of succession

  • Henri, Count of Paris (1908–1999)
    • Henri, Count of Paris, Duke of France (1933–2019)
      • Jean, Count of Paris (born 1965) P G E
        • (1) Prince Gaston of Orléans (born 2009) E
        • (2) Prince Joseph of Orléans (born 2016)
      • (3) Prince Eudes, Duke of Angoulême (born 1968) P G
        • (4) Prince Pierre of Orléans (born 2003)[16]
    • (5) Prince Jacques, Duke of Orléans (born 1941) P G
      • (6) Prince Charles Louis, Duke of Chartres (born 1972) P G
        • (7) Prince Philippe, Duke of Valois (born 1998) P G
        • (8) Prince Constantin of Orléans (born 2003)[17]
      • (9) Prince Foulques, Duke of Aumale, Count of Eu (born 1974) P G
    • (10) Prince Michel, Count of Évreux (born 1941) P G
      • (11) Prince Charles Philippe, Duke of Anjou (born 1973) G
      • (12) Prince François, Count of Dreux (born 1982) G
        • (13) Prince Philippe of Orléans (born 2017)
    • Prince Thibaut, Count of La Marche (1948-1983)
      • (14) Prince Robert, Count of La Marche (born 1976) P G



(Superscript letters are placed after a name to indicate the source of the person and his place in the order of succession as of that source’s date:

P listed by Le Comte de Paris et sa Descendance 1998, Charenton, France: Philippe de Montjouvent, ISBN 2-913211-00-3, p. 9
G listed by Le Petit Gotha, 2002, Paris: Chantal de Badts de Cugnac and Guy Coutant de Saisseval, ISBN 2-9507974-3-1
E listed by European Royal History Journal, Issue LXXII, December 2009, East Richmond Heights, California: Arturo Beeche, pp. 34-36)

Line of Succession in February 1848

  • Louis Philippe I of France (born 1773)
    • Ferdinand Philippe, Duke of Orléans (1810-1842)
      • (1) Prince Philippe, Count of Paris (born 1838)
      • (2) Prince Robert, Duke of Chartres (born 1840)
    • (3) Prince Louis, Duke of Nemours (born 1814)
      • (4) Prince Gaston, Count of Eu (born 1842)
      • (5) Prince Ferdinand, Duke of Alençon (born 1844)
    • (6) Prince François, Prince of Joinville (born 1818)
      • (7) Prince Pierre, Duke of Penthièvre (born 1845)
    • (8) Prince Henri, Duke of Aumale (born 1822)
      • (9) Prince Louis, Prince of Condé (born 1845)

Louis Philippe’s youngest son, Antoine, Duke of Montpensier, married a Spanish princess in 1846 and thus removed himself from the line of succession to the French throne.