
 英国女王エリザベス2世陛下(Elizabeth II : Her Majesty The Queen)、
 ヨーク公爵アンドルー王子殿下(Prince Andrew : His Royal Highness The Duke of York)、
 ウェセックス伯爵エドワード王子殿下(Prince Edward : His Royal Highness The Earl of Wessex)、
 ウェセックス伯爵夫人ソフィー妃殿下(Sophie : Her Royal Highness The Countess of Wessex)、


The Royal Family Channel:
Queen of Shades: Her Majesty hosts garden party – YouTube


 (英語:英国王室公式サイト)The Queen's Buckingham Palace Garden Parties | The Royal Family


 (写真一覧)画像と写真 | Getty Images

Buckingham Palace Garden Partyの写真およびイメージ | ゲッティイメージズ
Embed from Getty Images


The Royal Familyさんのツイート: "Today The Queen, accompanied by The Duke of York and The Earl and Countess of Wessex, is hosting the first of the annual Buckingham Palace Garden Parties: https://t.co/ESTgvHxVeL… https://t.co/WEieIs4Yi6"