
 2022年5月21日に崩御した、カメルーン共和国の伝統的君主の一人、マンコン王ソロモン・アニイェガモトゥ・ンデフル・アングワフォ3世陛下(His Majesty Fon Solomon Anyeghamotu Ndefru Angwafo III of Mankon)の葬儀がおこなわれました。

 フィレモン・ヤン(元)首相(Philémon Yang)が参列したほか、大統領の代理が同国のメリット勲章大綬章を授賞した模様。

 後継で、6月からの在位とされている、アングワフォ4世陛下(His Majesty Fon Angwafo IV of Mankon)が即位後はじめて公の場に姿を見せたと報道されています。


 (英語)Fon Angwafo lll Elevated for his Great Strives For Peace and Development – Cameroon Radio Television


The missing Fon Angwafo III of Mankon has been described as a monumental figure that relentlessly fought for the ideals of peace and national unity…. | By CRTVweb | Facebook


Highlights of the ceremony to pay tribute to the missing Fon Angwafo III of Mankon | By CRTVweb | Facebook


Former Prime Minister Philemon Yang was at the Mankon palace to pay tributes to the missing Fon Angwafo III. #nukwiniaboute | By CRTVweb | Facebook


The missing Fon Angwafo III of Mankon has raised to the dignity of Grand Cordon of the National Orders of Merit. This was during a traditional event… | By CRTVweb | Facebook


CRTVweb – Fo Angwafo lll has been raised to the rank of… | Facebook




Fon Angwafo IV Fru Asaah makes his first public statement to the press | By CRTVweb | Facebook


First official outing of the new Fon of Mankon, Fon Angwafor IV Fru Asaah #NukwiMiAboute | By CRTVweb | Facebook


CRTVweb – #Mankon the New Fo of Mankon Angwafo IV has… | Facebook