訃報(2025年2月4日):アーガー・ハーン4世殿下が薨去(1936~2025)イスラム教イスマーイール派(ニザール派)のイマーム。故エリザベス2世より殿下(His Highness)の敬称を受ける

 2025年2月4日、イスラム教イスマーイール派(ニザール派)のイマーム、アーガー・ハーン4世殿下(His Highness Aga Khan IV)が、ポルトガルのリスボンで薨去したようです。


 (英語)The Ismaili

XユーザーのThe Ismailiさん: 「With profound sadness, the Jamat is informed that our beloved 49th hereditary Imam, Mawlana Shah Karim Al-Hussaini, passed peacefully to Almighty Allah’s grace on 4 February 2025 in Lisbon, Portugal, surrounded by his family. Visit https://t.co/v5hpIQ7HI1 for more information. https://t.co/STvmNiPses」 / X


The Ismaili:
Pictorial memorial: Our beloved 49th Imam – YouTube


 長男はラヒム・アーガー・ハーン公子(Prince Rahim Aga Khan)。
 アーガー・ハーン4世は、英国の故エリザベス2世より、一代限りで殿下(His Highness)の敬称を受けており、またその先代も殿下の敬称を受けています。



 (英語)Aga Khan: Billionaire and spiritual leader dies at 88
 (英語)Museveni Eulogises Aga Khan, Hails His Legacy in Uganda
 (英語)Museveni mourns the Aga Khan IV, burial Sunday – New Vision Official

 (ルーマニア語:ルーマニア王室 公式ウェブサイト)Principele Aga Khan IV, In Memoriam | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

 (英語)🟩His Highness Aga Khan, leader of Ismaili Muslims, dies at 88

The Katikkiro of Buganda, Charles Peter Mayiga hailed the Aga Khan.
“We have learnt, with sadness, the demise of the Aga Khan, Prince Karim Al- Hussaini, 88. The Kingdom of Buganda has cordial relations with the Ismail Community – in Uganda and abroad, for whom the Aga Khan is spiritual leader,” Mayiga said, adding that “HM Kabaka Ronald Mutebi II has known and collaborated with the late Prince Al-Hussaini for years. We appreciate the Aga Khan’s humanness, extending significant social services and economic initiatives in Uganda, and worldwide. On behalf of the Kingdom of Buganda, and on my own behalf, I extend our condolences to the Prince’s family, the Ismail Community and the Aga Khan Foundation.”

 (英語)World leaders mourn Aga Khan IV, the man who defined humanity | Monitor


XユーザーのAntónio Guterresさん: 「I am deeply saddened by the news that His Highness Prince Karim Al-Hussaini, Aga Khan IV, has passed away. He was a symbol of peace, tolerance and compassion in our troubled world. I express my deepest condolences to His Highness’s family and the Ismaili community. https://t.co/VvXCrq8zPQ」 / X

XユーザーのYoweri K Museveniさん: 「To the Ismaili Community   Maama Janet and myself, were sorry and very sad, to learn of the death of our friend, His Highness the Aga Khan. It must have been 1957-1958, when, at the age of 12, I started seeing our 4 Indian families at Ntungamo hanging pictures of a young man https://t.co/JID19wyY16」 / X

XユーザーのWilliam Samoei Ruto, PhDさん: 「We are saddened by the passing of The Aga Khan, the spiritual leader of Ismaili Muslims. He was an extraordinary leader who went beyond what seemed impossible to help the vulnerable — through his charities in hospitals and schools. Our thoughts are with the family of His https://t.co/IZxydFJCKy」 / X

XユーザーのSamia Suluhuさん: 「It is with great sadness that I learned of the passing of His Highness Prince Karim Al-Husseini, Aga Khan IV, the spiritual leader of the world's Ismaili Muslims and the founder of the Aga Khan Development Network. On behalf of the Government and People of the United Republic https://t.co/HpgjqyY8sn」 / X

XユーザーのNarendra Modiさん: 「Deeply saddened by the passing of His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan IV. He was a visionary, who dedicated his life to service and spirituality. His contributions in areas like health, education, rural development and women empowerment will continue to inspire several people. I https://t.co/ef2lMIQ6H0」 / X

XユーザーのJustin Trudeauさん: 「The Aga Khan devoted his life to peace and prosperity for all. He worked across continents and cultures to resolve the world’s greatest humanitarian challenges: poverty, education, and gender inequality. He was an extraordinary man of vision, faith, and generosity, and I know」 / X


 トンガ王国では、新しい首相にアイサケ・ヴァル・エケ閣下(The Honourable Dr ‘Aisake Valu Eke)が就任し、新たな閣僚の一員としてトンガ皇太子トゥポウトア・ウルカララ殿下(His Royal Highness Crown Prince Tupoutoʻa ʻUlukalala of Tonga)の外務大臣・国防大臣の就任が発表されたようです。



 (英語:トンガ首相府 公式ウェブサイト)“Prime Minister, Hon. Dr. ‘Aisake Valu Eke announces new Cabinet Ministers” – Ko e 'Ofisi 'o e 'Eiki Palemia 'o Tonga

3. His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince Tupouto’a ‘Ulukalala
Minister for Foreign Affairs;
Minister for His Majesty’s Armed Forces



 (英語)Tonga names crown prince as defence, foreign minister | Reuters


 2025年1月28日、サウジアラビア王室よりムハンマド・ビン・ファハド・ビン・アブドルアジーズ・アル・サウード王子殿下(His Royal Highness Prince Mohammad bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud)の薨去が発表されています。



 (英語)Royal Court Announces Death of Prince Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

 (英語)Mohammed bin Fahd Saudi prince passes away

 (英語)Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Fahd passes away, PM Shehbaz shares condolences


 (英語:UAE大統領らの弔意)UAE leaders offer condolences to Saudi King on death of Prince Mohammed bin Fahd | Emirates News Agency

XユーザーのWAM Englishさん: 「UAE leaders offer condolences to Saudi King on death of Prince Mohammed bin Fahd #WamNews https://t.co/CkMbVdYF92 https://t.co/7eo8zW6NO8」 / X


XユーザーのKuwait News Agency – English Feedさん: 「#Kuwait Amir sent a cable of condolences to King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud of #Saudi Arabia, expressing heartfelt condolences over the passing away of late Prince Mohammad bin Fahad bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud. https://t.co/x4At4WEymb #KUNA https://t.co/ZDufzXfwSF」 / X

XユーザーのKuwait News Agency – English Feedさん: 「#Kuwait Crown Prince sent a cable of condolences to King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud of #Saudi Arabia, expressing sincere condolences over the passing away of late Prince Mohammad bin Fahad bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud. https://t.co/qSU1PzI1vM #KUNA https://t.co/yy33o9NgKZ」 / X

XユーザーのKuwait News Agency – English Feedさん: 「#Kuwait Prime Minister sent a cable of condolences to King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud of #Saudi Arabia, expressing sincere condolences over the passing away of late Prince Mohammad bin Fahad bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud https://t.co/d6BC3PtIvB #KUNA」 / X


XユーザーのShehbaz Sharifさん: 「Deeply grieved to learn of the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, former Governor of the Eastern Province and son of the late King Fahd. Prince Mohammed bin Fahd’s remarkable contributions to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and his legacy」 / X


 2025年1月21日、オルレアン派フランス王室当主のパリ伯ジャン殿下(Jean : Monseigneur The Count of Paris : オルレアン派フランス王位継承者ジャン4世 : Titular King Jean IV of France)は、サンジェルマン・ロクセロワ教会でおこなわれたルイ16世追悼ミサに臨席しました。


XユーザーのPrince Jean d'Orléans – Comte de Parisさん: 「Ce mardi 21 janvier, Monseigneur le #comtedeparis a assisté à la messe solennelle célébrée en hommage au roi Louis XVI. Cette cérémonie, empreinte de recueillement, a eu lieu en l'église Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois de Paris, ancienne parroisse des rois de France. 📸 David Niviere https://t.co/XiYPRBYUfN」 / X


⚜️ Hommage au roi Louis XVI… – Prince Jean, Comte de Paris | Facebook


Prince Jean – Comte de Paris | ⚜️ Hommage au roi Louis XVI ⚜️ Ce mardi 21 janvier 2025, Monseigneur le Comte de Paris a assisté à la messe solennelle célébrée en hommage… | Instagram


 2025年1月19日、正統派フランス王位継承者ルイ20世Louis XX)ことアンジュー公ルイ・ド・ブルボン殿下(Louis de Bourbon : 【His Royal Highness】Monseigneur The Duke of Anjou : ルイス・アルフォンソ・デ・ボルボン・マルチネス=ボルディウ閣下 : The Most Excellent Luis Alfonso de Borbón Martínez-Bordiú)は、贖罪礼拝堂(シャペル・エクスピアトワール)にておこなわれた、ルイ16世追悼ミサに臨席しました。



Louis de Bourbon, Duc d’Anjou:
Louik XX commémore Louis XVI à Paris – 19 janvier 2025 – YouTube


XユーザーのLouis de Bourbonさん: 「Chers amis, cette année encore vous étiez nombreux à mes côtés pour perpétuer fidèlement le souvenir du roi Louis XVI à la Chapelle Expiatoire bravant le même froid que celui qui avait glacé Paris le 21 janvier 1793 lors de l’exécution de l’Auguste Roi. Merci de votre soutien. https://t.co/Fqu7Y19cE8」 / X


Louis de Bourbon, Duc d’Anjou(@louisducdanjou) • Instagram写真と動画


Louis XX commémore Louis XVI | Chers amis, cette année encore vous étiez nombreux à mes côtés pour perpétuer fidèlement le souvenir du roi Louis XVI à la Chapelle Expiatoire bravant le… | By Louis de Bourbon, Duc d’Anjou | Facebook