
 英国王室【イギリス王室】のウェールズ公チャールズ皇太子殿下(Prince Charles : His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales)とコーンウォール公爵夫人カミラ妃殿下(Camilla : Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall)は、北アイルランドのヒルズバラ城を訪問しました。


The Royal Family Channel:
Prince Charles and Camilla celebrate wedding anniversary during Hillsborough Castle visit – YouTube


The Royal Family Channel:
Prince Charles unveils portrait of himself at Hillsborough Castle – YouTube


Hillsborough Castle and Gardensさんのツイート: "A new plaque is unveiled by The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall marking the reopening of Hillsborough Castle and Gardens. @ClarenceHouse… https://t.co/GylojCuC02"


Hillsborough Castle and Gardensさんのツイート: "HRH The Prince of Wales and HRH The Duchess of Cornwall arrive for their visit of Hillsborough Castle ahead of its official opening on 18 April. Flowers are presented by pupil Emily McCrea from Downshire Primary School 💐@ClarenceHouse… https://t.co/fJli8Ps869"


Hillsborough Castle and Gardensさんのツイート: "TRH The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall admire the beautiful Hillsborough Castle and Gardens sign which has been forged, painted and gilded by local craftspeople in Northern Ireland.… https://t.co/39uRxv1yXe"


Hillsborough Castle and Gardensさんのツイート: "TRH The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall meet the Castle’s expert gardeners and explore the Walled Garden at Hillsborough Castle.… https://t.co/LEjWiroVkQ"


Hillsborough Castle and Gardensさんのツイート: "Young gardeners from @DiscoverCAFRE meet HRH The Prince of Wales in the Walled Garden at Hillsborough Castle.… "


Hillsborough Castle and Gardensさんのツイート: "HRH The Duchess of Cornwall is welcomed to the new Clore Learning Centre at Hillsborough Castle, and meets local artists including Rob Ryan, who has created the new signage for the Learning Centre.… https://t.co/eBro329WK2"


Hillsborough Castle and Gardensさんのツイート: "Today is also Their Royal Highnesses’ 14th wedding anniversary! Congratulations from all at Hillsborough Castle and Gardens.… https://t.co/J3h2HhdUW0"


Hillsborough Castle and Gardensさんのツイート: "Inside, local children from Downshire Primary School are the first to be welcomed to the centre for a craft session. HRH The Duchess of Cornwall is here to meet them while they work on paper crafts inspired by artwork created for the Castle 🎨… https://t.co/KXtHI2wpR3"


Hillsborough Castle and Gardensさんのツイート: "Next, HRH The Duchess of Cornwall meets residents of Lillie Court, a care facility in nearby Lisburn, who are at the Clore Learning Centre printing their own silk scarves, using designs also inspired by artwork at the Castle🧣… https://t.co/NtHVRcv90y"


Hillsborough Castle and Gardensさんのツイート: "Next stop, the Throne Room where The Prince and The Duchess meet conservators and craftspeople involved in the restoration and re-presentation of the Castle.… https://t.co/b12fScwosP"


Hillsborough Castle and Gardensさんのツイート: "Ta-da! HRH The Prince of Wales unveils a new portrait in the State Drawing Room at Hillsborough Castle by artist Gareth Reid, commissioned by Historic Royal Palaces.… https://t.co/DB2DJ6foif"



 2019年4月5日、コーンウォール公爵(Duke of Cornwall)でもある英国王室【イギリス王室】のウェールズ公チャールズ皇太子殿下(Prince Charles : His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales)は、コーンウォールのセント・オーステル醸造所を訪問しました。


The Royal Family Channel:
Prince Charles pulls his own pint at Cornish brewery – YouTube


 (英語:セント・オーステル醸造所公式サイト)St Austell Brewery | The Prince of Wales Pays Tribute to St Austell Brewery


St Austell Breweryさんのツイート: "We were delighted to welcome HRH, Duke of Cornwall to the brewery today. #RoyalVisit… "


Heart Cornwall Newsさんのツイート: "On a visit to #Cornwall HRH Prince Charles @ClarenceHouse took great delight in pouring and tasting a pint of Tribute ale @StAustellBrew #HeartNews… https://t.co/WXJ4uepfGx"


ITV News WestCountryさんのツイート: "When you can't get served in the bar on a Friday night…Prince Charles pulls pints at @StAustellBrew in Cornwall 🍻 #FridayFeeling… https://t.co/Ej1pHZlGvu"


Spotlightさんのツイート: "Anyone for a pint? Prince Charles is doing the honours @StAustellBrew in #Cornwall 😉 #FridayFeeling #cheers… "


ITV News WestCountryさんのツイート: "Prince Charles sips pint of famous Cornish ale @StAustellBrew during brewery tour. But did he get the pouring technique right? 🍺 https://t.co/5Ohbtyo0Ia… https://t.co/bGcYMeaO80"


St Austell Breweryさんのツイート: "Today (Friday 5th April 2019) His Royal Highness The Duke of Cornwall visited St Austell Brewery in celebration of Tribute Pale Ale’s 20th anniversary and in recognition of the company’s Queen’s Award for Enterprise. https://t.co/6bUzGlW9OE… https://t.co/foTYEYBK1k"


Spotlightさんのツイート: "Prince Charles has a pint in St Austell https://t.co/xsZYNA0pbX… "


Johnny Goldsmithさんのツイート: "Prince Charles pulls a pint of Tribute during a visit to St Austell Brewery in Cornwall 📸: @PA… "


Nick Smithさんのツイート: "The barman told me His Royal Highness can pull a pint like a pro! 🍺 👑 @itvwestcountry… "


St Austell Breweryさん(@st_austell_brewery) • Instagram写真と動画



 2019年4月5日、トンガ王トゥポウ6世陛下(KIng Tupou VI : His Majesty The King of Tonga)は、同王国訪問を開始したノルウェー皇太子ホーコン殿下(Crown Prince Haakon of Norway : His Royal Highness The Crown Prince)を出迎えました。
 ホーコン殿下には、ノルウェー王国国際開発大臣ダーグ・インゲ・ウルスタイン閣下(Dag Inge Ulstein)が同行している模様。


 (ノルウェー語:ノルウェー王室公式サイト)Offisielt besøk til Tonga – kongehuset.no


Kongehuset – Kong Tupou ønsket Kronprins Haakon og… | Facebook


Det Norske Kongehusetさん(@detnorskekongehus) • Instagram写真と動画



 2019年3月27日、チリ共和国公式訪問中のノルウェー王ハーラル5世陛下(Harald V of Norway : His Majesty The King)とノルウェー王妃ソニア陛下(Queen Sonja of Norway: Her Majesty The Queen)は、チリ共和国大統領セバスティアン・ピニェラ・エチェニケ閣下(His Excellency Mr Sebastián Piñera Echenique)とともに、チリ独立の英雄ベルナルド・オイギンスBernardo O’Higginsベルナルド・オヒギンスベルナルド・オイヒンス)のモニュメントを訪問するなどしたようです。


 (スペイン語:チリ国防省公式サイト)Reyes de Noruega rinden homenaje al Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins – Ministerio de Defensa Nacional


Ministerio Defensa Nacional(チリ国防省公式チャンネル):
Ofrenda floral del Rey Harald V y Reina Sonja de Noruega – YouTube


CGGERM_Oficialさんのツイート: "#AHORA Rey Harald V de #Noruega impone ofrenda floral al monumento ecuestre del General #BernardoOHiggins en #VisitaEstado a nuestro país. @Ejercito_Chile @mindefchile @NoruegaEnChile @presidencia_cl @Minrel_Chile… https://t.co/vXDbWKNSd1"



 2019年3月27日、チリ共和国公式訪問中のノルウェー王ハーラル5世陛下(Harald V of Norway : His Majesty The King)とノルウェー王妃ソニア陛下(Queen Sonja of Norway: Her Majesty The Queen)は、チリ共和国大統領セバスティアン・ピニェラ・エチェニケ閣下(His Excellency Mr Sebastián Piñera Echenique)夫妻と会見しました。

 国家元首同士の会見ではよくある相互の勲章授与がおこなわれ、ハーラル5世陛下は大統領を聖オーラヴ騎士団の、大統領夫人(ファースト・レディ)のセシリア・モレール・モンテスCecilia Morel Montes)を王立ノルウェー・メリット騎士団の、それぞれグランド・クロス(大十字)に叙したようです。



CGGERM_Oficialさんのツイート: "#Ahora ingresando a Plaza de la Ciudadanía las Majestades Rey Harald V y Reina Sonja de Noruega escoltados por el Regimiento Escolta Presidencial N°1 "Granaderos" en el marco de una #VisitaDeEstado a nuestro país. @Ejercito_Chile @mindefchile @NoruegaEnChile @Minrel_Chile… https://t.co/GXQ3e4agPS"


Videos Diario Financiero:
Ahora en DF: Piñera recibe en La Moneda a los reyes de Noruega – YouTube


 (ノルウェー語:ノルウェー王室公式サイト)Statsbesøk til Chile – kongehuset.no
 (ノルウェー語:ノルウェー王室公式サイト)Chile 2019 – kongehuset.no

 (スペイン語:チリ大統領府公式サイト)Presidente Piñera y Primera Dama reciben a reyes de Noruega: “Tenemos un cariño, una preocupación y un compromiso muy especial que compartimos por el medio ambiente y por la salud de nuestros océanos” – Prensa Presidencia
 (スペイン語:チリ政府公式サイト)Gob.cl: Article: Presidente Piñera Y Primera Dama Reciben A Reyes De Noruega: “Tenemos Un Cariño, Una Preocupación Y Un Compromiso Muy Especial Que Compartimos Por El Medio Ambiente Y Por La Salud De Nuestros Océanos”


Prensa Presidencia de Chileさんのツイート: "AHORA – El Pdte @sebastianpinera y la Primera Dama @ceciliamorel reciben en visita de Estado a los Reyes de #Noruega @Kronprinsparet… https://t.co/dmEdvciixq"


Prensa Presidencia de Chileさんのツイート: "El Pdte @sebastianpinera y la PD @ceciliamorel recibieron hoy a los reyes de #Noruega. Abordaron la protección de los océanos, el cambio climático, energías renovables e inversiones: "Tenemos un compromiso por el medio ambiente y nuestros océanos". Más: https://t.co/37fJrQvjN8… https://t.co/swhbrG7LxO"