英国王室のウィリアム王子殿下が英国原子力公社を訪問、完成したトカマク型核融合炉の核融合実験施設「MAST Upgrade」を視察(2018年10月)次世代型の原子力発電のための研究?

 2018年10月18日、英国王室のケンブリッジ公爵ウィリアム王子殿下(Prince William : His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge)は、英国原子力公社(UK Atomic Energy Authority : UKAEA)の傘下の研究所「Culham Centre for Fusion Energy」を訪問しました。
 同研究所では、トカマク型核融合炉の核融合実験施設「MAST Upgrade」(※ MAST = The Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak)が完成したということで、殿下による視察がおこなわれたようです。


The Royal Family Channel:
Prince William visits UK Atomic Energy Authority – YouTube


 (英語:英国王室公式公式サイト)The Duke of Cambridge unveils the UK's new nuclear fusion experiment at Culham Science Centre | The Royal Family
 (英語:英国政府公式サイト)Duke of Cambridge unveils the UK's new fusion project at Culham – GOV.UK
 (英語)News: Duke of Cambridge unveils Britain's new fusion energy project at CCFE


Kensington Palaceさんのツイート: "The Duke runs a test of a ‘plasma’ -the hot gas that will form inside the MAST upgrade when it begins operating in 2019 @fusionenergy. Watch a clip of the test from inside the reactor here ➡️ https://t.co/y4bbnDJEyh… https://t.co/SmocwJgG4H"


Kensington Palaceさんのツイート: "The MAST upgrade @fusionenergy will create temperatures of 50 million degrees C…3 x hotter than the Sun…☀️ The Duke spoke to scientists & engineers about the 5 year project that has the capability of building artificial stars and might one day provide low-carbon energy.… https://t.co/1lNybiYvhM"


Kensington Palaceさんのツイート: "The Duke of Cambridge takes a glimpse at a potentially life-changing world energy project – MAST Upgrade – the UK’s new nuclear fusion experiment with UK Atomic Energy Authority @CulhamSC @fusionenergy… https://t.co/KWnAnHYvGX"


Culham Fusion Energyさんのツイート: "The Duke viewed the MAST Upgrade machine, met staff and started a 'glow plasma' to help the team condition the machine as they prepare for the first scientific tests in 2019. We were honoured to host him – a truly memorable day!… https://t.co/qKcsRmm9Qt"


Dept for BEISさんのツイート: "Even the Duke of Cambridge is getting into the swing of #GreenGB Week, visiting @fusionenergy where exciting fusion research, recreating the sun on earth, could soon provide clean & safe electricity to thousands of homes #cleangrowth https://t.co/9VaPdQG1uM… https://t.co/6xBr8lMWSP"


Culham Fusion Energyさん(@culhamfusionenergy) • Instagram写真と動画


The Royal Familyさん(@theroyalfamily) • Instagram写真と動画