
 英国王室のプリンセス・ロイヤル殿下(Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal : アン王女 : Princess Anne)は、250周年を迎える、ヨークシャーの手織りカシミヤ製造会社を訪問したようです。


The Royal Familyさんのツイート: "The Princess Royal, President @UKFTorg meets staff involved in all process of production @JoshuaEllisCash as they celebrate their 250th year https://t.co/yMQGHdXrgS"


JoshuaEllis Cashmereさんのツイート: "Welcoming our very special guest #theprincessroyal to #Joshuaellis. Distinguished guests @ukftorg #royalvisit #madeinbritain @amandawilcock https://t.co/v1QD9NrwMA"


Pulse 1さんのツイート: "NEWS: The Princess Royal is in #Batley today visiting @JoshuaEllisCash as part of their anniversary celebrations https://t.co/QIgkXTfXe5"