
 デンマーク皇太子フレデリク殿下(モンペザ伯爵 : Frederik : His Royal Highness The Crown Prince of Denmark, Count of Monpezat)とデンマーク皇太子妃メアリー殿下(モンペザ伯爵夫人 : Mary : Her Royal Highness The Crown Princess of Denmark, Countess of Monpezat)は、2018年11月14日の英国王室【イギリス王室】のウェールズ公チャールズ皇太子殿下(Prince Charles : His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales)の70歳誕生日式典などに臨席予定とのこと。


 (デンマーク語:デンマーク王室公式サイト)Kronprinsparret deltager i reception og middag i anledning af HRH The Prince of Wales' 70-års fødselsdag | Kongehuset



 2018年11月2日、英国王室【イギリス王室】のウェールズ公チャールズ皇太子殿下(Prince Charles : His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales)とコーンウォール公爵夫人カミラ妃殿下(Camilla : Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall)によるガーナ共和国訪問が始まりました。


GhanaWeb TV:
Prince Charles and Duchess of Cornwall arrive in Ghana – YouTube



 2018年10月31日、アフリカの西部三ヶ国を歴訪する予定の、英国王室【イギリス王室】のウェールズ公チャールズ皇太子殿下(Prince Charles : His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales)とコーンウォール公爵夫人カミラ妃殿下(Camilla : Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall)は、ガンビア共和国を訪問しました。

 ガンビア共和国大統領アダマ・バロウ閣下(His Excellency Adama Barrow)夫妻と会見、同夫妻の主催する晩餐会に臨席しました。


The Royal Family Channel:
Prince Charles and Camilla visit The Gambia – YouTube


 (チャールズ殿下の晩餐会でのスピーチ文章:英語:英国王室公式サイト)A speech by The Prince of Wales at the State Dinner in The Gambia | The Royal Family

 (英語:ガンビア大統領府公式サイト)British Royal Family Arrives Today | The Republic of The Gambia
 (英語:ガンビア大統領府公式サイト)Their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall arrived at the Banjul International Airport Wednesday evening for a 2-day official visit welcomed by their Excellencies President Adama Barrow and First Lady Fatou Bah-Barrow | The Republic of The Gambia
 (英語:ガンビア大統領府公式サイト)Their Excellencies President Barrow and the First Lady and their Royal guests pose for a group photo after talks to restore historic ties between Banjul and London at the State House prior to a welcome ceremony at the McCarthy Square | The Republic of The Gambia
 (英語:ガンビア大統領府公式サイト)President Barrow and the First Lady host the British Royal guests to a state dinner reception at the Coco Ocean Hotel | The Republic of The Gambia

 (英語)Prince Charles and Camilla begin Africa tour in The Gambia | Daily Mail Online


Clarence Houseさんのツイート: "As the sun came down over The Gambia, The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall arrived at Banjul International Airport, where they were met by @BarrowPresident & his wife Mrs Bah-Barrow. #RoyalVisitTheGambia 🇬🇲… https://t.co/oDmyGHYkZl"


Clarence Houseさんのツイート: "This morning Their Royal Highnesses attended an official welcome ceremony at the State House in The Gambia, where they were received by @BarrowPresident and his wife Mrs Bah-Barrow. #RoyalVisitTheGambia 🇬🇲… https://t.co/aVYDW69Sjl"


Clarence Houseさんのツイート: "The Prince also visited the Gambian Armed Forces Training School meeting the Chief of Defence Staff, junior soldiers and joining a lesson on International Human Rights. #RoyalVisitTheGambia 🇬🇲… https://t.co/KdEOqT9KuU"


Clarence Houseさんのツイート: "The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall are tonight attending a State Dinner hosted by President Adama Barrow and Mrs Bah-Barrow. #RoyalVisitTheGambia 🇬🇲… https://t.co/7OoAFKXMhj"


State House of The Gambiaさんのツイート: "… "


State House of The Gambiaさんのツイート: "… "


State House of The Gambiaさんのツイート: "Earlier, The Prince visited The Gambia Armed Forces Training School, and the. Chief of Defence Staff was there to receive him.… https://t.co/AzOxNNMPyC"


State House of The Gambiaさんのツイート: "His Excellency, President @BarrowPresident hosted a State Banquet in honour of the visiting British Royal Family.… "


State House of The Gambiaさんのツイート: "The Prince revealed that visiting The Gambia was a childhood dream, since he was 13, inspired by the visit of the Queen and the Duke in 1961. #RoyalVisitTheGambia… https://t.co/wF6ZTX7zrT"



 2018年10月31日~11月8日にかけて、英国王室【イギリス王室】のウェールズ公チャールズ皇太子殿下(Prince Charles : His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales)とコーンウォール公爵夫人カミラ妃殿下(Camilla : Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall)は、ガンビア共和国、ガーナ共和国、ナイジェリア連邦共和国を訪問する予定ですが、訪問開始をひかえて、メッセージ動画が公開されています。


The Royal Family(英国王室公式チャンネル):
A message from HRH The Prince of Wales ahead of the tour to West Africa – YouTube



 英国女王エリザベス2世陛下(Elizabeth II : Her Majesty The Queen)は、オランダ王ウィレム=アレクサンダー陛下(Willem-Alexander : His Majesty The King of the Netherlands)とオランダ王妃マクシマ陛下(Máxima : Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands)を迎えての晩餐会を催しました。

 ウェールズ公チャールズ皇太子殿下(Prince Charles : His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales)とコーンウォール公爵夫人カミラ妃殿下(Camilla : Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall)、
 ケンブリッジ公爵ウィリアム王子殿下(Prince William : His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge)とケンブリッジ公爵夫人キャサリン妃殿下(Catherine : Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge)、
 キリスト教/アングリカン・コミュニオン/英国国教会/カンタベリー大主教ジャスティン・ウェルビー座下(全イングランド首座 : The Most Reverend and Right Honourable Justin Welby : His Grace The Lord Archbishop of Canterbury : Primate of All England)らが臨席したようです。


The Royal Family(英国王室公式チャンネル):
The Queen's speech at The Netherlands State Banquet – YouTube


 (写真一覧)PPE Agency | 8 foto’s gevonden met “23-10-2018 Gala”


 (英語)Kate Middleton in Princess Diana's tiara as she joins Prince William for Dutch state banquet | Daily Mail Online


The Royal Familyさんのツイート: "The King and Queen of the Netherlands, Her Majesty The Queen, The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall are pictured together in the Music Room ahead of this evening’s State Banquet at Buckingham Palace. #NetherlandsStateVisit… https://t.co/g01XO0jlMV"


The Royal Familyさんのツイート: "The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall accompany guests to the Ballroom for the State Banquet. #NetherlandsStateVisit… https://t.co/zHsEik9Brr"