2020年10月10日、英国のスコットランド貴族/第18代ローダーデイル伯爵イアン・メイトランド閣下(Ian Maitland, 18th Earl of Lauderdale : The Right Honourable The Lord Lauderdale : ローダーデイル卿)が、サラ・サス未亡人(Sarah Sasse)と結婚したようです。
英国のタブロイド紙「The Sun」が、今年【2020年】の4月に、英国王室のケンブリッジ公爵ウィリアム王子殿下(Prince William : His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge)が、新型コロナウイルス感染症【COVID-19】を発症しており、一時期呼吸困難で周囲は慌てていたと報道しています。
英国王室【イギリス王室】のウェールズ公チャールズ皇太子殿下(Prince Charles : His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales)とコーンウォール公爵夫人カミラ妃殿下(Camilla : Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall)はイングランド銀行を訪問しました。
The Prince and The Duchess meet with representatives of the Bank’s education and outreach programme, and some of its recipients. pic.twitter.com/AoTZBSWrRS
To end the visit, Their Royal Highnesses join a virtual conversation with the @bankofengland’s regional agents who are calling in from across the UK! pic.twitter.com/GOewHvTFa3
The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall visited the Bank today, to find out more about the work of the Bank during the pandemic. pic.twitter.com/pL8Q42IA2X
Their Royal Highnesses met with the Governor and Chair of Court, as well as other Bank colleagues to discuss a range of topics, including Banknote production, the work of our regional agents and our Outreach and Education Programme. pic.twitter.com/rHLQbv6hW5
The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall also met with colleagues to discuss early careers, diversity and mental health. pic.twitter.com/2PYDdw8PH1
Training includes getting the dogs comfortable in different environments, in order to feel comfortable in public whilst remaining focused on their role.
🐶 It is vital that the dogs are not affected by sudden noises, different environments and sounds that we take for granted. pic.twitter.com/0LMWipA2Ek
While at the station, HRH was joined by @DHSCgovuk to see how @MedDetectDogs have progressed in their training.
The charity are working hard to ascertain whether dogs can detect the odour of Covid-19. If successful, dogs could help diagnose the disease through screening people. pic.twitter.com/Kvy2qcLZmM
ブルネイ・ダルサラーム国スルタン“ハッジ”・ハサナル・ボルキア陛下(ハサナル・ボルキア国王 : His Majesty Sultan HajiHassanal Bolkiah, Sultan and State Sovereign of Brunei Darussalam)と、第二夫人だったマリアム元妃の長男。