2025年1月21日、オルレアン派フランス王室当主のパリ伯ジャン殿下(Jean : Monseigneur The Count of Paris : オルレアン派フランス王位継承者ジャン4世 : Titular King Jean IV of France)は、サンジェルマン・ロクセロワ教会でおこなわれたルイ16世追悼ミサに臨席しました。
Ce mardi 21 janvier, Monseigneur le #comtedeparis a assisté à la messe solennelle célébrée en hommage au roi Louis XVI. Cette cérémonie, empreinte de recueillement, a eu lieu en l'église Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois de Paris, ancienne parroisse des rois de France.
リヒテンシュタイン公子ヨハン・ヴェンツェル殿下(His Serene Highness Prince Johann Wenzel of Liechtenstein : Prinz Johann Wenzel von und zu Liechtenstein)とハルティヒ伯爵女フェリツィタス(Countess Felicitas of Hartig)が婚約したようです。
ヨハン・ヴェンツェル殿下の父は、リヒテンシュタイン公室ではやや傍系のグンダカル殿下で、母はオルレアン派フランス王室の長姉であるリヒテンシュタイン公子妃マリー殿下(オルレアン公女 : フランス王女 : Her Royal Highness Princess Marie of Liechtenstein, Princess of Orléans, Princess of France)です。そのため、マリー殿下の弟のパリ伯ジャン4世殿下が自身の公式サイトで婚約を報じています。
LL.AA.RR. sont profondément émus et attristés par la nouvelle du décès de S.M. la Reine Elisabeth II, une monarque profondément attachée à l’amitié entre nos deux pays. S.A.R. le Grand-Duc adressera un message de condoléances au nom du peuple 🇱🇺 à la Famille royale britannique. pic.twitter.com/sS2pM5HlWj
Pope Francis sends his condolences to King Charles III and the people of the United Kingdom for the death of Queen Elizabeth II, and praises her “life of unstinting service to the good of the Nation and the Commonwealth”.https://t.co/hwx6btpWnp
The Sovereign Order of Malta expresses its deepest condolences on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The thoughts and prayers of the Order are with King Charles III, the Royal Family, the entire United Kingdom, and the British Commonwealth. pic.twitter.com/GOs2e3EPoJ
With a heavy heart we bid farewell to an icon of selfless dedication and unwavering commitment, a queen who embodied the traits of a faithful and devoted sovereign. The reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will forever be remembered. May her soul rest in eternal peace.
#MohamedBinZayed: I extend my sincere condolences to the family of Queen Elizabeth II and the people of the UK. She was a close friend of the UAE, a beloved & respected leader whose long reign was characterised by dignity, compassion & tireless commitment to serving her country. pic.twitter.com/c9mzSIRWrE
Mohammed bin Rashid: We join the world in mourning the passing of Her Majesty #QueenElizabeth, a global icon who represented the finest qualities of her nation and people. Her incredible lifetime of service and duty to the United Kingdom is unparalleled in our modern world. pic.twitter.com/xK90Dcx8dJ
ブータン王ジグミ・ケサル・ナムゲル・ワンチュク陛下(Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck : His Majesty The King of Bhutan)
ブータン王妃ジェツン・ペマ陛下(Queen Jetsun Pema : Her Majesty The Queen of Bhutan)
ブータン皇太子ジグミ・ナムゲル・ワンチュク殿下(His Royal Highness Crown Prince Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck of Bhutan, Druk Gyalsey of Bhutan)
La Grande Bretagne et le Commonwealth viennent de perdre leur souveraine. Au cours de son long règne, Sa Majesté la Reine Élisabeth II sut gagner le cœur de ses sujets et incarner les vertus britanniques.
Chef de la maison de Bourbon, je m'associe à l'hommage unanime rendu à la reine et adresse mes plus sincères condoléances à Sa Majesté le Roi Charles III ainsi qu'aux princes et princesses de la famille royale britannique que j'assure de mes prières. .
On behalf of myself and the Royal House of Savoy, I express my deepest sorrow and sadness over the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and all of her peoples. #QueenElisabeth#UnitedKingdom
The Queen passed away. She was a symbol of stability and wisdom in the turbulent decades of her reign, marking the 20th and 21st centuries as the longest reigning monarch, but also the most famous monarch on the planet. I will remember her kindness and incredibly cheerful spirit. pic.twitter.com/EFzxUZDXcz
Madhëria e Saj, Mbretëresha Elizabeth II, prehet sot në paqe pas më shumë se 70 vitesh në shërbim ekskluziv të shtetit, të popullit britanik dhe të 14 kombeve të Commonwealth anembanë rruzullit që e njihnin për sovranen e tyre….
My family and I join the British people and the international community in mourning the death of Her Late Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. pic.twitter.com/DDPQ4vhnjI
My sympathy, & that of all the People of Tooro, is with the British Royal Family, the People of Great Britain & the Commonwealth upon the loss of an icon, Her Majesty the Queen. Her dedicated leadership of over 70 years is historical & won't be forgotten. May She Rest in Peace. pic.twitter.com/Oy6eewb2ne
— His Majesty King Oyo of Tooro Kingdom (@KingOyoOfficial) September 8, 2022