
 2018年11月2日、英国王室【イギリス王室】のウェールズ公チャールズ皇太子殿下(Prince Charles : His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales)とコーンウォール公爵夫人カミラ妃殿下(Camilla : Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall)によるガーナ共和国訪問が始まりました。


GhanaWeb TV:
Prince Charles and Duchess of Cornwall arrive in Ghana – YouTube



 2018年10月31日、アフリカの西部三ヶ国を歴訪する予定の、英国王室【イギリス王室】のウェールズ公チャールズ皇太子殿下(Prince Charles : His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales)とコーンウォール公爵夫人カミラ妃殿下(Camilla : Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall)は、ガンビア共和国を訪問しました。

 ガンビア共和国大統領アダマ・バロウ閣下(His Excellency Adama Barrow)夫妻と会見、同夫妻の主催する晩餐会に臨席しました。


The Royal Family Channel:
Prince Charles and Camilla visit The Gambia – YouTube


 (チャールズ殿下の晩餐会でのスピーチ文章:英語:英国王室公式サイト)A speech by The Prince of Wales at the State Dinner in The Gambia | The Royal Family

 (英語:ガンビア大統領府公式サイト)British Royal Family Arrives Today | The Republic of The Gambia
 (英語:ガンビア大統領府公式サイト)Their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall arrived at the Banjul International Airport Wednesday evening for a 2-day official visit welcomed by their Excellencies President Adama Barrow and First Lady Fatou Bah-Barrow | The Republic of The Gambia
 (英語:ガンビア大統領府公式サイト)Their Excellencies President Barrow and the First Lady and their Royal guests pose for a group photo after talks to restore historic ties between Banjul and London at the State House prior to a welcome ceremony at the McCarthy Square | The Republic of The Gambia
 (英語:ガンビア大統領府公式サイト)President Barrow and the First Lady host the British Royal guests to a state dinner reception at the Coco Ocean Hotel | The Republic of The Gambia

 (英語)Prince Charles and Camilla begin Africa tour in The Gambia | Daily Mail Online


Clarence Houseさんのツイート: "As the sun came down over The Gambia, The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall arrived at Banjul International Airport, where they were met by @BarrowPresident & his wife Mrs Bah-Barrow. #RoyalVisitTheGambia 🇬🇲… https://t.co/oDmyGHYkZl"


Clarence Houseさんのツイート: "This morning Their Royal Highnesses attended an official welcome ceremony at the State House in The Gambia, where they were received by @BarrowPresident and his wife Mrs Bah-Barrow. #RoyalVisitTheGambia 🇬🇲… https://t.co/aVYDW69Sjl"


Clarence Houseさんのツイート: "The Prince also visited the Gambian Armed Forces Training School meeting the Chief of Defence Staff, junior soldiers and joining a lesson on International Human Rights. #RoyalVisitTheGambia 🇬🇲… https://t.co/KdEOqT9KuU"


Clarence Houseさんのツイート: "The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall are tonight attending a State Dinner hosted by President Adama Barrow and Mrs Bah-Barrow. #RoyalVisitTheGambia 🇬🇲… https://t.co/7OoAFKXMhj"


State House of The Gambiaさんのツイート: "… "


State House of The Gambiaさんのツイート: "… "


State House of The Gambiaさんのツイート: "Earlier, The Prince visited The Gambia Armed Forces Training School, and the. Chief of Defence Staff was there to receive him.… https://t.co/AzOxNNMPyC"


State House of The Gambiaさんのツイート: "His Excellency, President @BarrowPresident hosted a State Banquet in honour of the visiting British Royal Family.… "


State House of The Gambiaさんのツイート: "The Prince revealed that visiting The Gambia was a childhood dream, since he was 13, inspired by the visit of the Queen and the Duke in 1961. #RoyalVisitTheGambia… https://t.co/wF6ZTX7zrT"



 2018年10月31日~11月8日にかけて、英国王室【イギリス王室】のウェールズ公チャールズ皇太子殿下(Prince Charles : His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales)とコーンウォール公爵夫人カミラ妃殿下(Camilla : Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall)は、ガンビア共和国、ガーナ共和国、ナイジェリア連邦共和国を訪問する予定ですが、訪問開始をひかえて、メッセージ動画が公開されています。


The Royal Family(英国王室公式チャンネル):
A message from HRH The Prince of Wales ahead of the tour to West Africa – YouTube



 英国王室のサセックス公爵ヘンリー王子殿下(Prince Henryハリー王子 : Prince Harry : His Royal Highness The Duke of Sussex)とサセックス公爵夫人メーガン妃殿下(Meghan : Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex)のニュージーランド訪問が始まりました。


The Royal Family Channel:
Prince Harry and Meghan receive traditional Maori welcome to New Zealand – YouTube



 2018年10月25日、ノルウェー王ハーラル5世陛下(Harald V of Norway : His Majesty The King)とノルウェー王妃ソニア陛下(Queen Sonja of Norway: Her Majesty The Queen)は、政府関係者を招く年次の晩餐会に臨席しました。


Kongens tale under Stortingsmiddagen 2018 – YouTube


 (ノルウェー語:ノルウェー王室公式サイト)Stortingsmiddagen 2018: Kongens tale – kongehuset.no