
 2013年4月27日に、エジプト王室のサイード公ムハンマド・アリー王子殿下(His Royal Highness Prince Muhammad Ali, Prince of the Sa’id)と、アフガニスタン王室のノアル王女殿下(Her Royal Highness Princess Noal)の婚約が発表された模様です。

 ムハンマド・アリー殿下は、旧エジプト王【エジプト・スーダン王】フアード2世(His Majesty King Fuad II of Egypt and the Sudan)陛下の継嗣。
 ノアル王女殿下は、最後のアフガニスタン王であった故ムハンマド・ザーヒル・シャー陛下(His Majesty Mohammed Zahir Shah, King of Afghanistan : 国父 : Father of the Nation)の五男ムハンマド・ダウード・パシュトゥンヤー・ハーン王子殿下(His Royal Highness Prince Muhammed Daoud Pashtunyar Khan)の次女。


Line of succession to the former Egyptian throne

As of July 2020.

See also:
Line of succession to the former Monarchical throne and others : From (deleted) Wikipedia’s articles.

Under the Muhammad Ali dynasty, the line of succession to the former Egyptian throne was subject to a number of changes during its history. From its founding in 1805 until 1866, the dynasty followed the imperial Ottoman practice of agnatic seniority, whereby the eldest male in any generation would succeed to the throne. In 1866, however, the then Khedive of Egypt Isma’il Pasha obtained a firman from the Ottoman Emperor which restricted the succession to the male-line descendants of Isma’il Pasha. The resulting succession remained in force until the abolition of the Egyptian monarchy in 1953, following the 1952 Egyptian Revolution.

In 1914, however, the British government deposed Khedive Abbas II, the senior descendant of Isma’il, and proclaimed a protectorate over Egypt. His son Muhammad Abdel Moneim lost his place as heir apparent,[1] and the throne passed to the lines of Abbas II’s uncles Hussein Kamel and Fuad I. A Royal Edict of 13 April 1922 specifically excluded Abbas II from the succession, though it stated that “this exception shall not apply to his sons and their progeny.”[2] As a result, the descendants in the male line from Prince Muhammad Abdel Moneim remained eligible for the throne and retained a senior position in the order of precedence of the Kingdom of Egypt.[3]

Present line of succession

  • Isma’il Pasha (1830-1895)
    • Muhammad III Tawfiq Pasha (1852-1892)
      • Abbas II Hilmi Pasha (1874-1944)
        • Muhammad Abdul Moneim, Prince Regent of Egypt and the Sudan (1899-1979)
          • (4) Prince Abbas Hilmi (born 1941)
            • (5) Prince Daoud Abdul-Moneim (born 1979)
    • Sultan Hussein Kamil (1853-1917)
    • King Fu’ad I (1868-1936)
      • King Faruq I (1920-1965)
        • King Fu’ad II (born 1952)
          • (1) Muhammad Ali, Prince of the Sa’id (born 1979)
            • (2) Prince Fuad Zaher (born 2017)[4]
          • (3) Prince Fakhr ud-din (born 1987)[citation needed]



Line of succession in June 1953

  • Isma’il Pasha (1830-1895)
    • Muhammad III Tawfiq Pasha (1852-1892)
      • Abbas II Hilmi Pasha (1874-1944)
        • (2) Muhammad Abdul Moneim, Prince Regent of Egypt and the Sudan (born 1899)
          • (3) Prince Abbas Hilmi (born 1941)
      • (1) Prince Mohammed Ali Tewfik (born 1875)
    • Sultan Hussein Kamil (1853-1917)
    • Prince Hassan Ismail (1854-1888)
      • Prince Aziz Hassan (1873-1925)
        • (4) Prince Ismail Aziz Hassan (born 1918)
        • (5) Prince Hassan Aziz Hassan (born 1924)
      • Prince Muhammad Ali Hassan (1884-1945)
        • (6) Prince Muhammad Iz ud-din Hassan (born 1914)
        • (7) Nabil Ismail Izzat Hassan (born 1920)
    • King Fu’ad I (1868-1936)
      • King Faruq I (born 1920)
        • King Fu’ad II (born 1952)