
 2007年4月18日、レソト王レツィエ3世陛下(His Majesty King Letsie III)とレソト王妃マセナテ陛下(Her Majesty Queen ‘Masenate)の第三子・長男となるレロトリ・セーイソ王子殿下(His Royal Highness Prince Lerotholi Seeiso)が誕生した模様。

 全名はレロトリ・モハト・ベレン・セーイソLerotholi Mohato Bereng Seeiso)のようです。


 2007年3月31日、現・タンザニア連合共和国内の、ウシハ首長デービッド・キダハ・マクワイア(Chief David Kidaha Makwaia)が薨去した模様です。

 1953年までに東アフリカでもっとも力のある首長の一人となり、タンガニーカ総督“サー”・エドワード・トワイニング(Sir Edward Twining : のちに一代貴族のトワイニング男爵 : 総督任期:1949~1958)とも親交を深め、いくつかの公的な地位を得ています。



 2007年2月28日、モロッコ王国のモロッコ王モハメッド6世陛下(ムハンマド6世 : モハメド6世 : His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco)と“ララ”・サルマ妃殿下(Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Salma)の間の第二子・長女となる“ララ”・カディジャ王女殿下(Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Khadija)が誕生されたとのことです。



 2007年2月11日頃、旧ブルンジ王国のブルンジ王妃バランパライェ陛下(Queen Baramparaye)が崩御されたとの情報が入っています。

 ブルンジ王ムワンブツァ4世(King Mwambutsa IV of Burundi)の王妃で、ブルンジ王ンタレ5世(King Ntare V of Burundi)の母とされています。


Line of succession to the former Ethiopian throne : From (deleted) Wikipedia’s articles.

As of March 2014.
That Wikipedia’s article has deleted by Wikipedians.

See also:
Line of succession to the former Monarchical throne and others : From (deleted) Wikipedia’s articles.

The line of succession to the Ethiopian throne is described in the first section of the 1955 Revised Constitution of Ethiopia. Traditionally the succession was limited to descendants of Makeda Queen of Sheba and King Solomon of the Israelites. The 1931 and 1955 Constitutions formally established a legal order of succession that placed the Imperial throne in the reigning Shewan branch of the Imperial dynasty, giving precedence to the line of Emperor Haile Selassie I.
In brief, the title of Emperor may pass only through male descendants of Haile Selassie I, through the oldest male line before the younger. Other qualifications are that they be born in lawful wedlock, be an Orthodox Christian, and not be married to a foreigner or against consent of the Imperial Family.
In the event that there were no qualifying male descendants of Haile Selassie, the nearest male relative who is descended from Sahle Selassie, King of Shewa, would then be heir. According to most interpretations this would place the throne in line of Emperor Haile Selassie’s brother Dejazmatch Yilma Makonnen, followed by the family of his cousin Ras Imiru Haile Selassie.
In March 1975, the monarchy was abolished by the Derg, the military junta that had forcibly taken over during a Communist revolution. The Derg by its own authority abolished all royal and noble titles by proclamation at that time. The current Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia makes no provisions for a monarchy. The Crown Council of Ethiopia considers Crown Prince Zera Yacob Amha Selassie to be Head of the Imperial House. Although the current Ethiopian government regards members of the Imperial family as private citizens, they do recognize their royal and noble titles as a matter of courtesy, effectively rescinding the abolition of those titles by Derg regime. Foreign royal courts have continued to accord members of the Ethiopian Imperial family their titles throughout the period following the fall of the Ethiopian monarchy in 1974.

Line of succession

According to the 1955 orders of succession and with the assent of the Imperial Crown Council, the current order of succession among the living male descendants of Haile Selassie I is as follows:
Crown Prince Zera Yacob b. 1953 (son of Amha Selassie I, grandson of Haile Selassie I)

  1. Prince Paul Wossen Seged Makonnen, 2nd Duke of Harrar b. 1947 (grandson of Haile Selassie I)
  2. Prince Mikael Amde Yesus Makonnen b. 1950 (grandson of Haile Selassie I)
  3. Prince Yokshan Dawit Makonnen b. 1978 (great-grandson of Haile Selassie I)
  4. Prince Joel Dawit Makonnen b. 1982 (great-grandson of Haile Selassie I)
  5. Prince Philip Tafari Makonnen b. 1954 (grandson of Haile Selassie I)
  6. Prince Mikael Tafari Makonnen b.1980 son of Prince Phillip Makonnen (great-grandson of Haile Selassie l)
  7. Prince Nahshon Tafari Gizaw Makonnen b.1982 son of Prince Phillip Makonnen (great-grandson of Haile Selassie l)
  8. Prince David Tafari Makonnen b.1992 son of Prince Philip Makonnen (great-grandson of Haile Selassie I)
  9. Prince Isaiah Tafari Makonnen b.1998 son of Prince Philip Makonnen (great-grandson of Haile Selassie I)
  10. Prince Baeda Maryam Makonnen b. 1957 (grandson of Haile Selassie I)
  11. Prince Ermias Sahle Selassie b. 1960 (grandson of Haile Selassie I)
  12. Prince Christian Sahle Selassie Ermias b. 1992 (great-grandson of Haile Selassie I)
  13. Prince Rufael Fiseha Tsieon Ermias b. 1992 (great-grandson of Haile Selassie I)