





The Heir to the All-Russian Emperorship,
His Highness Prince of the Imperial Blood Nikolay Kirillovich of Russia,
Prince zu Leiningen.






 ニコライ2世 → (従弟の)キリル大公 → (長男の)ウラジーミル大公








In 1984, Prince Karl Emich zu Leiningen contracted a dynastic marriage with Princess Hohenlohe-Öhringen (1960–1989), in which their daughter, Princess Cecilia zu Leiningen was born in 1988.

in which his second daughter Theresia zu Leiningen was born.

in which their only son Prince Emich zu Leiningen was born in 2010.


 二回目の結婚で生まれた次女については、 Princess 表記がなく、母親が貴族ですらないということで問題外扱いなのかもしれません。単にタイプ時に抜けただけかもしれませんが……。

 ライニンゲン公女ツェツィーリエ殿下(Her Serene Highness Princess Cäcilie of Leiningen)は30歳になっており、もしこのロシア話に興味があれば加わるでしょうし、そうであればロシア公女(Princess of Russia)の称号付きで記述されている可能性が高いでしょう。



 ロシア帝室では、英語で「Prince」「Princess」にあたる称号を持つのは、皇帝から曾孫以降の(遠縁の)成員であり、大公や大公女より明確にランクが低いものです(敬称も「Imperial Highness」を用いず「Highness」「Serene Highness」を用います)。





 2018年9月27日、ムフラニ系ジョージア王室【グルジア王室】のジョージア王子ギオルギ殿下(His Royal Highness Prince Giorgi of Georgia : ギオルギ・バグラチオン・バグラチオニ・ムフラン・バトニシュヴィリ王子 : Prince Giorgi Bagration Bagrationi Mukhran Batonishviliギオルギ・バグラチオニ=ムフラネリ公子 : Prince Giorgi Bagrationi-Mukhraneliギオルギ・バグラチオン=ムフランスキー公子 : Prince Giorgi Bagration-Moukhransky)が7歳を迎えたようです。


27 სექტემბერი საქართველოს უფლისწული… – საქართველოს სამეფო სახლი – The Royal House of Georgia | Facebook


 ギオルギ王子殿下は、ムフラニ系ジョージア王室当主/ジョージア皇太子ダヴィト殿下(ムフラニ公 : His Royal Highness The Crown Prince Davit of Georgia, Royal Prince of Kartli (Batonishvili), Prince of Mukhrani and Mukhran Batoni : ダヴィト・バグラチオニ=ムフラネリ公子 : Prince Davit Bagrationi-Mukhraneliダヴィト・バグラチオン=ムフランスキー公子 : Prince Davit Bagration-Moukhransky)とジョージア王女アナ殿下(Her Royal Highness Princes Anna of Georgia : アナ・バグラチオニ=グルジンスキー公女 : Princess Anna Bagrationi-Gruzinsky)の子息です。二人は離婚しています。

 アナ殿下は、グルジンスキー系ジョージア王室当主/ジョージア皇太子ヌグザル殿下(His Royal Highness Crown Prince Nugzar of Georgia : ヌグザル・バグラチオン=グルジンスキー公子 : Prince Nugzar Bagration-Gruzinskyヌグザル・バグラチオニ=グルジンスキー公子 : Prince Nugzar Bagrationi-GruzinskiBatonishviliTsarevich)の長女で、殿下によって継嗣とされています。



 2018年4月3日におこなわれた1993年4月1日に薨去したバルセロナ伯/スペイン王子ファン殿下(His Royal Highness Infante Juan of Spain, Count of Barcelona : スペイン王位継承者ファン3世Juan III)の没後25周年の礼拝ですが、ムフラニ系ジョージア王室【グルジア王室】当主/ジョージア皇太子ダヴィト殿下(ムフラニ公 : His Royal Highness The Crown Prince Davit of Georgia, Royal Prince of Kartli (Batonishvili), Prince of Mukhrani and Mukhran Batoni : ダヴィト・バグラチオニ=ムフラネリ公子 : Prince Davit Bagrationi-Mukhraneliダヴィト・バグラチオン=ムフランスキー公子 : Prince Davit Bagration-Moukhransky)と姉のジョージア王女マリア・アントニエタ殿下(Her Royal Highness The Princess María Antonieta of Georgia, Princess Maria Bagration Mukhran Batonishvili : マリア・バグラチオニ=ムフラネリ公女 : Princess María Antonieta Bagrationi-Mukhraneli)が参列(?)していたようです。





მისი სამეფო უმაღლესობა საქართველოს… – საქართველოს სამეფო სახლი – The Royal House of Georgia | Facebook


 2017年3月20日、ジョージア王室【グルジア王室】(バグラチオン家)ムフラニ系のバグラト・バグラチオン=ムフランスキー公子(Prince Bagrat Bagration-Mukhransky)が薨去したようです。

※現在ジョージア王室当主を称している一人であるムフラニ系のジョージア皇太子ダヴィト殿下の公式サイトでは、王室の成員の中に記述されていないので、殿下(His Royal Highness)などははぶきました。


 (英語)Royal Musings: Prince Bagrat Bagration-Mukransky (1949-2017)
 (スペイン語)Los príncipes de Bagration – La Opinión de Málaga


Line of succession to the former Georgian throne

As of July 2020.

See also:
Line of succession to the former Monarchical throne and others : From (deleted) Wikipedia’s articles.

The Georgian royal family of the Bagrations practiced masculine primogeniture, legitimate sons and their descendants taking precedence over daughters and natural sons, and their descendants. Tamara the Great in 1184 was among the nation’s earliest ruling queens and Tamara II, 560 years later in 1744, became the last.[1]

In 2017, Ilia II, the Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia, renewed a call for the restoration of a constitutional monarchy in Georgia.[2] This sentiment was echoed at the time by the ruling coalition party, The Georgian Dream.[2]

The claim to represent the royal legacy is asserted on behalf of both Prince Nugzar Bagration-Gruzinsky and Prince David Bagrationi of Moukrani, representatives of the Gruzinsky and Mukhransky branches of the Bagrationi dynasty, respectively. Prince David’s late father, Prince George Bagration-Mukhransky, was recognised by the Georgian government as head of the former royal house in 1991 and accorded the title of ‘Batonishvili’ (royal prince/tsarevich), as noted on his Georgian passport,[3][4][5] being the seniormost legitimate descendant of the dynasty in the male line.[1][6]

Other prominent Georgians, however, acknowledge the claim of Prince Nugzar, who springs from a junior branch of the Bagratids,[6] but is the seniormost descendant of the last Bagrationi to reign over the united Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti,[7] which consisted of eastern Georgia (Iberia).[3]

Prince Nugzar’s direct ancestor, George XII, ruled Georgia’s united central and eastern realms, Kartli and Kakheti (the male-line of the westernmost and smallest realm, the Kingdom of Imereti, was dethroned in 1810 and became extinct in the legitimate male line in 1978). Although genealogically junior to the Mukhraneli dynasts, supporters of Prince Nugzar’s line (which has come under scrutiny due to omission of an authenticating witness on his father’s birth certificate)[8] uphold his claim as that of the most recent branch of the family to have reigned. Whereas the Mukhraneli fled the Russian revolution to western Europe and asserted their claim from abroad until the fall of the Soviet Union (whereupon the heir repatriated), unbeknownst to the West the main Gruzinzky line remained in Georgia under Russian domination,[5] explicitly advancing his claim in 2006,[9] after Georgia obtained official independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.[3]

The two branches were united in 2009 by the marriage of Princess Anna Bagration-Gruzinky (Prince Nugzar’s daughter) to Prince David Bagration-Mukhransky, who became the parents of Prince George Bagration-Bagrationi (born on September 27, 2011). George can claim to be the heir eventual to the abolished throne by reckoning descent from Georgia’s kings through either his father (heir-male of the House of Bagrationi) or his mother (heir-of-the-body of King George XII), thereby incarnating the shared claim that Ilia II encouraged and has recognised.[2]

Orders of succession of the two families

Line of the Royal House of Georgia (Bagrationi)

Line of Prince David Bagration-Mukhraneli[1]

  1. Prince Giorgi Bagration-Bagrationi (b. 2011)
  2. Prince Irakli Bagration-Mukhransky (b. 1972)
  3. Prince Gurami Ugo Bagration-Mukhransky (b. 1985)
  4. Prince Juan Jorge Bagration-Mukhransky (b. 1977)

Line of the Royal House of Bagration-Gruzinsky

Line of Prince Nugzar Bagration-Gruzinsky[10]

  1. Princess Anna Nugzaris asuli Bagration-Gruzinsky (b. Tbilisi 1.11.1976)
  2. Prince Giorgi Bagration-Bagrationi (b. 27.9.2011)[11]
  3. Princess Irine Bagrationi-Gruzinski (elder daughter of Anna by her first husband, Grigoriy Malania)*
  4. Princess Mariam Bagrationi-Gruzinski (younger daughter of Anna and her first husband, Grigoriy Malania)*
  5. Princess Maya Nugzaris asuli Bagration-Gruzinsky (b. Tbilisi 2.1.1978)
  6. Themour Chichinadze (elder child of Maya and Nikoloz Chichinadze) *
  7. Anna Chichinadze (younger child of Maya and Nikoloz Chichinadze) *
  8. Princess Dali Petres asuli Bagration-Gruzinsky (b. Tbilisi 17.10.1939)
  9. Princess Mzevinar Petres asuli Bagration-Gruzinsky (b. 15.9.1945)
  10. Prince Evgeni Bagration-Gruzinsky (1947–2018)
  11. Princess Marina Bagration-Gruzinsky (b. 1950)
  12. Princess Ekaterina Bagration-Gruzinsky (b. 1956)