オランダ王ウィレム=アレクサンダー陛下(Willem-Alexander : His Majesty The King of the Netherlands)とオランダ王妃マクシマ陛下(Máxima : Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands)の英国公式訪問が始まりました。
英国女王エリザベス2世陛下(Elizabeth II : Her Majesty The Queen)、
ウェールズ公チャールズ皇太子殿下(Prince Charles : His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales)、
The Royal Family Channel:
Queen arrives to greet King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands – YouTube
The Royal Family Channel:
The Queen greets King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands – YouTube
The Royal Family Channel:
King Willem-Alexander and Prince Charles inspect Guards – YouTube
The Royal Family Channel:
Queen and King Willem-Alexander depart in carriage – YouTube
The Royal Family Channel:
Queen and Dutch royals arrive in carriage at Buckingham Palace – YouTube
The Royal Family Channel:
Queen gives Dutch royals a tour of the Royal Collection at Buckingham Palace – YouTube
(英語)Dutch royals in Britain: Queen Máxima state visit begins | Daily Mail Online
(写真一覧)画像と写真 | Getty Images
Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, King Willem-Alexander of the… ニュース写真 | Getty Images