
 (ルーマニア語:ルーマニア正教会通信)Case regale care au confirmat prezenţa la funeraliile Regelui Mihai – Basilica.ro
 (ルーマニア語:ルーマニア王室公式ニュース配信サイト)Familiile Regale participante la funeraliile Regelui Mihai I | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania




 ウェールズ公チャールズ皇太子殿下(Prince Charles : His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales)、

 スウェーデン王カール16世グスタフ陛下(Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden : His Majesty The King)、
 スウェーデン王妃シルヴィア陛下(シルビア王妃 : Queen Silvia of Sweden : Her Majesty The Queen)、

 前スペイン王ファン・カルロス1世陛下(His Majesty King Juan Carlos I of Spain)、
 前スペイン王妃ソフィア陛下(Her Majesty Queen Sofía of Spain)、

 “シャイフ【シェイク】”・ラーシド・ビン・ハリーファ・アル・ハリーファ閣下(His Excellency Shaikh Rashid bin Khalifa al Khalifa)、

 ベルギー王女アストリッド殿下(オーストリア=エステ大公妃 : オーストリア皇子妃 : ハンガリー王子妃 : ベーメン王子妃 : モデナ公妃 : Her Imperial and Royal Highness Princess Astrid of Belgium, Archduchess of Austria-Este, Princess Imperial of Austria, Princess Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Duchess of Modena)、
 オーストリア=エステ大公/ベルギー王子ローレンツ殿下(ロレンツ大公 : オーストリア皇子 : ハンガリー王子 : ベーメン王子 : モデナ公 : His Imperial and Royal Highness Prince Lorenz of Belgium, Archduke of Austria-Este, Prince Imperial of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Duke of Modena)、

 前国王夫人ムナー・アル=フセイン妃殿下(Her Royal Highness Princess Muna al-Hussein)、
 アリー王子夫人リム・アル=アリー妃殿下(Her Royal Highness Princess Rym al-Ali)、

 (?)イザベレ殿下(Her Serene Highness Princess Isabelle of Liechtenstein)、

 ルクセンブルク大公アンリ殿下(Henri : His Royal Highness The Grand Duke of Luxembourg)、


 アルバニア皇太子レカ2世殿下(His Royal Highness Crown Prince Leka II of the Albanians)、
 アルバニア皇太子妃エリア殿下(His Royal Highness Crown Princess Elia of the Albanians)、

 ヴェネツィア公/ピエモンテ公/サヴォイア公子エマヌエーレ・フィリベルト殿下(His Royal Highness Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, Prince of Venice and Piedmont)、

 ヴュルテンベルク公子エーバーハルト殿下(His Royal Highness Duke Eberhard of Württemberg)

 ハプスブルク=ロートリンゲン家当主/オーストリア大公カール殿下(His Imperial and Royal Highness Archduke Karl of Austria, Prince Imperial of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia)、
 オーストリア大公ゲオルク殿下(His Imperial and Royal Highness Archduke Georg of Austria, Prince Imperial of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia)、
 オーストリア=エステ大公マルティン殿下(オーストリア皇子 : ハンガリー王子 : ベーメン王子 : モデナ公子 : His Imperial and Royal Highness Archduke Martin of Austria-Este, Prince Imperial of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Duke of Modena)、
 オーストリア=エステ大公妃カタリナ殿下(イーゼンブルク公女 : オーストリア皇子妃 : ハンガリー王子妃 : ベーメン王子妃 : モデナ公子妃 : Her Imperial and Royal Highness Archduchess Katharina of Austria-Este, Princess Imperial of Austria, Princess Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Duchess of Modena, Princess of Isenburg)、
 故ルーマニア王女イレアナの娘でルーマニア王室関連の行事に参列の多いオーストリア大公女マリア・マグダレーナ殿下(“マギー”【Magi】 : オーストリア皇女 : ハンガリー王女 : ベーメン王女 : トスカナ大公女 : Her Imperial and Royal Highness Archduke Maria Magdalena of Austria, Princess Imperial of Austria, Princess Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Princess of Tuscany)、
 オーストリア大公ドミニク殿下(His Imperial and Royal Highness Archduke DominicNiki” of Austria, Prince Imperial of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Prince of Tuscany)、
 オーストリア大公妃エマヌエッラ殿下(Her Imperial and Royal Highness Archduchess EmmanuellaNella” of Austria, Princess Imperial of Austria, Princess Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Princess of Tuscany)、

 旧ギリシャ王妃アンナ=マリア陛下(Her Majesty Queen Anne-Marie of Greece : デンマーク王室出身)、
 ギリシャ・デンマーク王女イリニ殿下(Her Royal Highness Princess Irene of Greece and Denmark)、
 ギリシャ・デンマーク王子ニコラオス殿下(His Royal Highness Prince Nikolaos of Greece)、

 プロイセン公ゲオルク・フリードリヒ殿下(His Imperial and Royal Highness Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia)、

 バーデン辺境伯マクシミリアン殿下(His Royal Highness Maximilian, Margrave of Baden)、
 バーデン辺境伯妃ヴァレリー殿下(トスカナ系ハプスブルク家出身 : Her Imperial and Royal Highness Archduchess Valerie, Margravine of Baden)、

 ヴァンドーム公爵/フランス王子ジャン殿下(オルレアン公子 : His Royal Highness Prince Jean of France, Prince of Orléans, Duke of Vendôme)、
 フランス王女シャンタル殿下(オルレアン公女 : Her Royal Highness Princess Chantal of France, Princess of Orléans)、

 旧ブルガリア王シメオン2世陛下(His Majesty King Simeon II of the Bulgarians : 元ブルガリア共和国首相シメオン・サクスコブルクゴツキ : Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha)、

 ブラガンサ公爵ドゥアルテ・ピオ殿下(His Royal Highness Duarte Pio, Duke of Braganza)、

 ユーゴスラヴィア皇太子アレクサンダル2世殿下(His Royal Highness Crown Prince Alexander II of Yugoslavia / Serbia)、
 ユーゴスラヴィア皇太子妃カタリナ殿下(英語ではキャサリン皇太子妃 : Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Katherine of Yugoslavia / Serbia)、

 ロシア女大公マリヤ・ウラジーミロヴナ殿下(Her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess Maria Wladimirovna of Russia)


 リーニュ公女アン閣下(Her Highness Princess Anne of Ligne)、

 タティアナ・ラジヴィウ公女(Princess Tatiana Radziwiłł)、











 (イタリア語)Sergio Boschiero – Monarchia.it


Line of succession to the former Italian throne

As of August 2020.

See also:
Line of succession to the former Monarchical throne and others : From (deleted) Wikipedia’s articles.

The Italian monarchy was abolished in June 1946 following a referendum which established a republic. The present pretenders are Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples and Prince Amedeo, Duke of Aosta, who dispute each other’s right to the throne.

Prince of Naples

Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples, is the son of King Umberto II and his successor as head of the House of Savoy. On 7 July 2006, Prince Amedeo, Duke of Aosta, declared himself to be the head of the house and Duke of Savoy.

On 15 January 2020, Vittorio Emanuele announced in a press release that on 28 December 2019 he used his rights and prerogatives as head of the House of Savoy to abolish the Salic Law which governed the line of succession in favor of absolute primogeniture, allowing his descendants to succeed by birth order regardless of sex on the basis of “equality between the sexes and moreover, an application of both accepted and implemented by extensive international normative”.[1] He cited “the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, applied in the Treaty of Lisbon of 2009, which reaffirmed the principle of equality between men and women and the values and objectives of the European Union”.[2]

On the same day, in response to this act, the Italian Monarchist Union had announced that they opposed this act of change in the line of succession made by the Prince of Naples.[3]

The line of succession to this claim is as follows:

  • King Umberto II (1904–1983)
    • Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples (born 1937)
      • (1) Emanuele Filiberto, Prince of Venice (b. 1972)
        • (2) Vittoria, Princess of Carignano (b. 2003)
        • (3) Luisa, Princess of Chieri (b. 2006)



Duke of Aosta

The Duke of Aosta claims that because Vittorio Emanuele married in violation of the House of Savoy’s dynastic law he forfeited his dynastic rights. Aldo Alessandro Mola, president of the former Council of the Senators of the Kingdom, published a declaration in favour of Amedeo’s claim; and he also received the support of Vittorio Emanuele’s sister Princess Maria Gabriella of Savoy.

The line of succession to this claim is as follows:

  • King Vittorio Emanuele II (1820–1878)
    • King Umberto I (1844–1900)
      • King Vittorio Emanuele III (1869–1947)
        • King Umberto II (1904–1983)
    • Prince Amedeo, 1st Duke of Aosta (1845–1890)
      • Prince Emanuele Filiberto, 2nd Duke of Aosta (1869–1931)
        • Prince Aimone, 4th Duke of Aosta (1900–1948)
          • Prince Amedeo, 5th Duke of Aosta (born 1943)
            • (1) Prince Aimone, Duke of Apulia (b. 1967)
              • (2) Prince Umberto of Savoy-Aosta (b. 2009)
              • (3) Prince Amedeo of Savoy-Aosta (b. 2011)[4]



Line of succession in June 1946

  • King Carlo Alberto of Sardinia (1798–1849)
    • King Vittorio Emanuele II (1820–1878)
      • King Umberto I (1844–1900)
        • King Vittorio Emanuele III (born 1869)
          • King Umberto II (born 1904)
            • (1) Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Piedmont (b. 1937)
      • Prince Amedeo, Duke of Aosta (King Amadeo I of Spain) (1845–1890)
        • Prince Emanuele Filiberto, Duke of Aosta (1869–1931)
          • (2) Prince Aimone, Duke of Aosta (b. 1900)
            • (3) Prince Amedeo, Duke of Apulia (b. 1943)>[5]
        • (4) Prince Vittorio Emanuele, Count of Turin (b. 1870)
    • Prince Ferdinando, Duke of Genoa (1822–1855)
      • Prince Tommaso, Duke of Genoa (1854–1931)
        • (5) Prince Ferdinando, Duke of Genoa (b. 1884)
        • (6) Prince Filiberto, Duke of Pistoia (b. 1895)
        • (7) Prince Adalberto, Duke of Bergamo (b. 1898)
        • (8) Prince Eugenio, Duke of Ancona (b. 1906)

The dukes of Genoa male line ultimately became extinct upon the death of Prince Eugenio, the last surviving male agnate of this line, in 1996. In turn, this left only the main Savoy royal male line and the Savoy-Aosta male line.


On 21 May 2004 blows were struck in Madrid between the Crown Prince and the Duke of Aosta. At a soirée held at the Zarzuela Palace during the wedding celebrations of the Prince of Asturias, Amedeo approached Vittorio who reportedly punched him twice in the face, causing him to stumble backward down the steps.[6][7] The quick intervention of Queen Anne-Marie of Greece, who propped him up, prevented the Duke from falling to the ground.[7] She discreetly assisted him indoors while staunching his bleeding face until first aid was administered.[6] Upon learning of the incident, King Juan Carlos of Spain reportedly declared that “never again” would an opportunity to abuse his hospitality be afforded the competing pretenders.[6][7] The Queen’s quick action avoided what might have been more serious injury to Amedeo and a public escalation of the confrontation.

In response to the Duke of Aosta’s attempt in 2006 to assume the headship of the house, and his and his son’s assumption of the name “di Savoia” along with the undifferenced arms of the Royal House of Savoy and of the Prince of Piedmont, the Prince of Naples and his son filed a lawsuit against the Aosta branch. The lawsuit was successful, the court of Arezzo ruling in February 2010 that the Duke of Aosta and his son must pay damages totalling 50,000 euros to their cousins and cease their use of the arms of the Royal House and those of the Prince of Piedmont.[8] They were also forbidden to use the name “di Savoia”, instead they must resume the name “di Savoia-Aosta”.[9] The Duke of Aosta is appealing the ruling.[10]