
 英国王室【イギリス王室】のウェールズ公チャールズ皇太子殿下(Prince Charles : His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales)とコーンウォール公爵夫人カミラ妃殿下(Camilla : Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall)は、北アイルランドのヒルズバラ城を訪問しました。


The Royal Family Channel:
Prince Charles and Camilla celebrate wedding anniversary during Hillsborough Castle visit – YouTube


The Royal Family Channel:
Prince Charles unveils portrait of himself at Hillsborough Castle – YouTube


Hillsborough Castle and Gardensさんのツイート: "A new plaque is unveiled by The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall marking the reopening of Hillsborough Castle and Gardens. @ClarenceHouse… https://t.co/GylojCuC02"


Hillsborough Castle and Gardensさんのツイート: "HRH The Prince of Wales and HRH The Duchess of Cornwall arrive for their visit of Hillsborough Castle ahead of its official opening on 18 April. Flowers are presented by pupil Emily McCrea from Downshire Primary School 💐@ClarenceHouse… https://t.co/fJli8Ps869"


Hillsborough Castle and Gardensさんのツイート: "TRH The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall admire the beautiful Hillsborough Castle and Gardens sign which has been forged, painted and gilded by local craftspeople in Northern Ireland.… https://t.co/39uRxv1yXe"


Hillsborough Castle and Gardensさんのツイート: "TRH The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall meet the Castle’s expert gardeners and explore the Walled Garden at Hillsborough Castle.… https://t.co/LEjWiroVkQ"


Hillsborough Castle and Gardensさんのツイート: "Young gardeners from @DiscoverCAFRE meet HRH The Prince of Wales in the Walled Garden at Hillsborough Castle.… "


Hillsborough Castle and Gardensさんのツイート: "HRH The Duchess of Cornwall is welcomed to the new Clore Learning Centre at Hillsborough Castle, and meets local artists including Rob Ryan, who has created the new signage for the Learning Centre.… https://t.co/eBro329WK2"


Hillsborough Castle and Gardensさんのツイート: "Today is also Their Royal Highnesses’ 14th wedding anniversary! Congratulations from all at Hillsborough Castle and Gardens.… https://t.co/J3h2HhdUW0"


Hillsborough Castle and Gardensさんのツイート: "Inside, local children from Downshire Primary School are the first to be welcomed to the centre for a craft session. HRH The Duchess of Cornwall is here to meet them while they work on paper crafts inspired by artwork created for the Castle 🎨… https://t.co/KXtHI2wpR3"


Hillsborough Castle and Gardensさんのツイート: "Next, HRH The Duchess of Cornwall meets residents of Lillie Court, a care facility in nearby Lisburn, who are at the Clore Learning Centre printing their own silk scarves, using designs also inspired by artwork at the Castle🧣… https://t.co/NtHVRcv90y"


Hillsborough Castle and Gardensさんのツイート: "Next stop, the Throne Room where The Prince and The Duchess meet conservators and craftspeople involved in the restoration and re-presentation of the Castle.… https://t.co/b12fScwosP"


Hillsborough Castle and Gardensさんのツイート: "Ta-da! HRH The Prince of Wales unveils a new portrait in the State Drawing Room at Hillsborough Castle by artist Gareth Reid, commissioned by Historic Royal Palaces.… https://t.co/DB2DJ6foif"



 2019年3月20日、バイエルン王室当主/ヴィッテルスバッハ家当主のバイエルン公フランツ殿下(Franz : His Royal Highness The Duke of Bavaria : フランツ・ヘルツォーク・フォン・バイエルンFranz Herzog von Bayern : ジャコバイトのイングランド王・スコットランド王・フランス王・アイルランド王フランシス2世陛下 : His Majesty King Francis II of England, Scotland, France and Ireland)が、キリスト教/ルーマニア正教会などがミュンヘンに建設中の聖堂やコミュニティ・センターなどを視察したようです。現地の司祭らしき人物が対応。


 (ルーマニア語:ルーマニア正教会通信)FOTO: Principele Franz de Bavaria a vizitat Centrul Bisericesc de la München – Basilica.ro


Basilica.roさんのツイート: "Principele Franz de Bavaria este membru în curatoriul pentru susţinerea construcției Centrului Bisericesc. https://t.co/2oNJNFra7Q"



 英国女王エリザベス2世陛下(Elizabeth II : Her Majesty The Queen)は、三男のウェセックス伯爵エドワード王子殿下(Prince Edward : His Royal Highness The Earl of Wessex)に、新たに「フォーファー伯爵(Earl of Forfar)」の称号を追加で叙爵した模様です。



 (英語)TITLE FOR THE EARL OF WESSEX | The Royal Family

The Queen has been pleased to grant The Earl of Wessex the additional title of Earl of Forfar.


The Royal Familyさんのツイート: "The Queen has been pleased to grant The Earl of Wessex the additional title of Earl of Forfar. Their Royal Highnesses will use the title The Earl and Countess of Forfar when in Scotland. Read about the history of the title and The Earl in Scotland: https://t.co/6c9ED64ehV… https://t.co/KQuqIqvbCh"


 エドワード王子殿下は、父であるエディンバラ公爵フィリップ王子殿下(His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh)の薨去の後に「エディンバラ公爵」に叙されることが決まっています(と書くと正確な説明ではないのですが、たぶん叙されます)。



 2018年11月2日、英国王室【イギリス王室】のウェールズ公チャールズ皇太子殿下(Prince Charles : His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales)とコーンウォール公爵夫人カミラ妃殿下(Camilla : Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall)によるガーナ共和国訪問が始まりました。


GhanaWeb TV:
Prince Charles and Duchess of Cornwall arrive in Ghana – YouTube



 ベルギー王フィリップ陛下(Philippe of Belgium : Philippe de Belgique : Filip van België : Philipp von Belgien : His Majesty The King of the Belgians)とベルギー王妃マティルド陛下(Queen Mathilde of Belgium : Her Majesty The Queen of the Belgians)、
 ルクセンブルク大公アンリ殿下(Henri : His Royal Highness The Grand Duke of Luxembourg)とルクセンブルク大公妃マリア・テレサ殿下(Maria Teresa : Her Royal Highness The Grand Duchess of Luxembourg)、
 リヒテンシュタイン公国国家元首代行のリヒテンシュタイン公世子アロイス殿下(アロイス皇太子アロイス摂政Alois : His Serene Highness The Hereditary Prince of Liechtenstein : His Serene Highness The Prince Regent of Liechtenstein)およびリヒテンシュタイン公世子妃ゾフィー殿下(Sophie : Her Royal Highness The Hereditary Princess of Liechtenstein, Countess of Rietberg : バイエルン王女、バイエルン公女 : Her Royal Highness Duchess Sophie in Bavaria, Princess of Bavaria)、
 オランダ発祥でロシア貴族の家系のオーストリア共和国大統領アレクサンダー・ファン・デア・ベレン博士閣下(His Excellency Dr Alexander Van der Bellen)、
 ドイツ連邦共和国大統領フランク=ヴァルター・シュタインマイヤー博士閣下(His Excellency Dr Frank-Walter Steinmeier)、
 スイス連邦大統領アラン・ベルセ博士閣下(His Excellency Federal President Dr Alain Berset)、


 (フランス語:ベルギー王室公式サイト)Rencontre informelle des Chefs d'États de pays germanophones – Suisse | La Monarchie belge
 (フランス語:ルクセンブルク大公室公式サイト)15e réunion informelle des chefs d'État des pays germanophones – Cour Grand-Ducale de Luxembourg – Septembre 2018

 (英語)Royal German-speaking heads of state meet for annual meeting – Royal Central
 (英語)Royals from Belgium, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg conclude annual meeting – Royal Central


Belgian Royal Palaceさんのツイート: "Ankunft in Sils Maria, Schweiz, zum jährl. informellen Treffen der Staatsoberhäupter deutschsprachiger Staaten. Gelegenheit um unsere Verbindungen mit Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz, Luxemburg und Liechtenstein zu stärken!#Schweiz #Graubünden… https://t.co/M24K4fmmTW"

Aankomst in Sils Maria, Zwitserland,… – Belgische Monarchie Monarchie belge Belgian Monarchy | Facebook

Deelname aan de jaarlijkse informele… – Belgische Monarchie Monarchie belge Belgian Monarchy | Facebook


Cour Grand-Ducaleさんのツイート: "Entourés des chefs d’Etat et de leurs épouses de Suisse, de Belgique, d’Allemagne, d’Autriche et du Liechtenstein,le Grand-Duc et la Grande-Duchesse entament la réunion informelle dans le cadre idyllique de Sils-Maria. ©Luxpress/Cour grand-ducale #Suisse #GrandDuc #GrandeDuchesse… https://t.co/YlsbYeKVIN"

Cour Grand-Ducaleさんのツイート: "La culture également au cœur du programme des conjointes : la Grande-Duchesse et les épouses des chefs d’Etat des pays germanophones effectuent une visite guidée du « Nietzsche-Haus » ©Luxpress/Cour grand-ducale #Luxembourg #Suisse #GrandDuc #GrandeDuchesse… https://t.co/JzP5Xk5WF1"

Entourés de Leurs Majestés le Roi et la… – Cour Grand-Ducale | Facebook

La culture également au cœur du… – Cour Grand-Ducale | Facebook


Alain Bersetさんのツイート: "#6erTreffen der Staatsoberhäupter der deutschsprachigen Länder. Es ist mir eine grosse Ehre, als #BundespräsidentCH @vanderbellen🇦🇹, @MonarchieBE🇧🇪, BP Steinmeier🇩🇪, Erbprinz Alois von Liechtenstein🇱🇮, @CourGrandDucale🇱🇺 sowie Gattinnen in #SilsMaria zu empfangen. 👑… https://t.co/p1XfMmgqxN"